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2 weeks, yes... I have been here for 2 weeks. Jin hyung manage to convince me to stay with him and never go back to the place he call hell for me. He convinced me that life is too precious to be wasted and too people who don't appreciate me don't deserve my love not even a thought and they can ride to hell for all I care.

He is right... I want to live my life like others, I want to feel love. I always envy other's happiness including the love Jin and Joonie hyung have right now. Jin hyung said, I can have it all as long as I love myself first. Truth is I don't really get it. Slowly, I'm starting to hope for happiness again.

In this 2 weeks, I have not been out, not even work. Jin hyung said my parents are looking for me right now so I should just stay home until they figure out how to make them give up.

Joonie hyung is back for lunch as usual and there are 2 identical men with him. They both look exactly the same except for their style. I'm just guessing twins. They seems close to Jin and Joonie until Jin hyung introduced me to them and I don't know why am I stuttering.

Both of them are very handsome, with great built, I almost droll ashamed myself in front of them. I learnt their name as Jungguk and Jungkook. Jungguk has a cheeky naughty look on his face but Jungkook seems more mature. We all had lunch together and I feel the look coming from both of them making me feel nervous. I think they don't like me here.

"Taehyung, are you feeling better now?" Jungkook ask me when all of us sitting at the living room after lunch.

"B... Better..Thank you."

"Good to know. Its a relief or Jin Hyung will cry his eyes out." Its Jungguk this time and he receive a smack behind his head.

"Oww!!! That hurts hyung! It's true, you even forgotten us now!" Namjoon hyung and Jungkook laugh at them.

Their closeness like siblings making me more comfortable to be around and I want to be just like them too. Am I getting greedy? The one I love always walk away. Maybe I shouldn't hope too much.

"but... I feel pity to Tae here, he haven't get the chance to be out because his par....." Joonie hyung stop there and the twins seems curious but didn't push it and I am grateful for that.

"tae bear.. You can be friends with Jungguk and Jungkook too, they are 3 years older than you..so maybe you should call them hyung too?"

I just noded.

"He can call us which ever he comfortable with, I'm sure Gguk don't mind either." Jungkook look and Jungguk and he noded in agreement.

"If Taetae agree, maybe me and Kook can take him out a bit far from here just to hang out." I can see that the invitation was serious and I'm feeling nervous about it. I have never been out wit friends before. Can I trust them? If Jin hyung did, maybe they can be trusted.

They are too kind, having Jin and Joonie hyung are already a blessing for me, I'm afraid if someday I'll lose them too. Now it's Jungkook and Jungguk, they are as nice as the couple and I am not used to have nice people around me because usually they will left me not long after and then I will feel like not living anymore.

"That's a good idea Gguk! Maybe we can plan that later. " Jin hyung said.

They talk a lot, I was just listening most of the time unless when I was being asked something. After that they left with a meeting as an excuse and Joonie hyung left with them. I never knew what he did for a living and I don't think I have a right to ask but today I know that they all work together.

I left for my room when Jin hyung said, he need to go to the club. It is my routine to stay in my room when both of them are out. My room is spacious and complete with everything like a studio apartment just without kitchen, a luxury I never had before.

I found my self a hobby since I live here, my life was always been like a slave to my own parents because according to them my life is not my own. Again and again I feel greatful to Jin and Namjoon hyung. I still remember that day....

"You are not going anywhere! You will live here and I will be responsible for you! From today onwards you are my son....my baby. You're a Kim anyways! Officially, Kim Taehyung, you are Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon's Son." Jin hyung turn around to see Namjoon hyung looking clueless as me with the announcements.

He was upset when I said, I should go home.

"YOU!" He pointed at Namjoon hyung.

" Kim Namjoon! Be ready to be a father to this bear here. I just adopt him to be my son!" I can see Namjoon hyung clueless face turn into a smile and walk over to me. He place his hands on my head.

"You are my son now, we will take care of you. Just listen to your "mom". Don't think of anything else. We'll protect you."

I smile everytime I remember that moment. The moment that changes my life forever.

Now when I'm bored, I found a new hobby and I wrote this for them.

I was deep in the dark,
No hopes or dreams,
I was left to die,
My life is nothing,
No laughing and smiling,
There's only pain and tears,
That's the only luxury I have,
You show me colours,
Beautiful colours I never knew,
You draw a smile on my face,
You gave me hope even though,
I don't believe in them anymore,
Slowly I learn how to be happy again,
I learn that my life is priceless,
You show me an escape route from the darkness,
You became my light,
You are my LUXURY now and forever.

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