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I managed to bring Tae to his senses again and calm his breathing. He look like to be having another attack just before he arrive at the table.

I kind of figure out the cause of it but still am not sure if its right. He sat between me and Jin and we all start eating in silent because everyone was scared if they accidentally triggered him.

"How was the food baby? I made your favourite...." Jinnie tried to cheer up the silent.

"Th.. Thank you.." Everyone is in question of the sudden change in Tae behaviour--he suddenly distance him self.

The only thing that keep him sane for now is his trust on me and the promise between us.

I didn't expect he would be this fragile and be having trust issues with others.

Tae tried to get into his room again when he is done with his food but I stop him by holding onto his arm slowly.

He gave me the look, the desperate look to get away.

He thinks, he's been betrayed.

I let him go, so he can breath and relax. There is no use if forcing, it will only gey worse.

"What happened Joonie? Why was he like that?" Jin sounds worry.

"Kook, when you call him for breakfast, how is he?" I have to verify my guess.

"He was fine like before, smiling and all."

"I'll talk to him, I have a good guess what happen but I need you all to be understanding about his situation he is in."

"What do you mean?" Gguk sound frustrated.

I knock on Taehyung's door softly and enter after a few second.

Tae just sat by the window looking outside, like he is wondering and thinking but his face was better than before.

As I sit next to him. "I made everbody worry again right? I promise to trust all of you but I end up doubting again." He look at his fidgeting hand.

"It's true we are worried because we love you but nobody blamed you for having a thought like that. You are strong, after all that happend we understand you bear." I ruffle his now longer hair.

"Now.. How about you tell me.." I start.

"I heard... Why? Why are you being nice to th....them...they...they did horrible thing to me...." His head hanging low.

"I HATE THEM! Because of them I feel disgusted by my own self... I want to kill...."

I pull him into a hug. "You are not what you think. Your heart define who you are not your past baby. You are the kindest human I have ever met and I am glad Jinnie insist on having you as our son."

He pull apart and smile his boxy smile.

"and.. I am never been this happy in my life before...." he continue.

"But... You have a mafia heart now do you... But still the most pure mafia heart..." He chuckle.

I take out my phone to and open the gallery folder and select a picture and show it to him.

He seems surprised. "I thought I heard they just got discharge from the hospital?"

Its a picture of his father with swollen bleeding face.

"Its true we got him, your mother and the other guy to be treated at the hospital when they almost died after a month of....torture.. Your boyfriends and brothers won't let them have easy..."

He listened to me with a serious face trying to understand what happened.

"Tae... In a mafia world, we are ruthless to those who mess with us, its as a reminder to others not to even try. Ghost mafia by Jeon Jungguk and Jeon Jungkook is much more intimidating than before."


"Because of their principles when dealing with enemy is... To die is a blessing..."

The way his eyes gone wide, I know he is shock but I believe he is not afraid of us... Of his own lover.

"You know baby... Jungguk and Jungkook have it hard when your father kidnap you and Jungguk keep blaming himself. They are beyond angry and to this day they still are."

I explained things carefully as I won't bring the worst back to surface.

"They.....treat them ju...just to torture them a...again?"

I smile and noded to him. He is speechless... He understand now.

"Actually we all take part to do that because nobody...nobody get away from hurting my baby...the price for messing with you isn't just a simple gunshot on the head baby."

Tae pull me into a hug and I laugh when I heard his muffle voice saying Thank you and I love you over and over again.

He has tears now because I feel wet on my shirt from where his face at.

"Baby...whatever happens remember... You can always trust all of us.. There is always a reason why we did things."

I pull him away from me and look into his eyes I know he is better now.

"Now... Go... You know what to do. There are people waiting for you outside and they can't help thinking that you're going to leave."

He chuckle showing his happy face again and a slight mischievous look he had on his face.

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