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Without wasting even a second, we made our way to that fucker house. I am traumatise by the what had happened before. I keep praying those bastard didn't touch or I don't know how I'm gonna deal with this guilt.

Its only 20 minutes drive to Bogum house and of course the house is guarded but still they are outnumbered. I have more skill men with me to deal with them.

"Suga stand by?" I talk to Suga team on the back.

"Ready anytime." He replied.

"3..2..1 Attack..." all of our men are wearing mask, half or full face while the leaders as usual, full face mask and black robe.

Basically the leaders will only figjt when necessary because the front line will do all the attacking and we will enter just like the king we are.


"You will pay for the trouble you make with us." I answer just standing in the middle of the hall with old man who can't even move because his hand are tied.


I saw Jimin, Hobi and Suga coming from the back and it means its all clear.

"I'll find Tae first." I whisper to Kook and let him handle the old men. As I move upstairs, Jimin tag along.

"I'll go with you. Bogum is not down here if you notice."

"Yes I notice."

There is 6 room on the second floor and we don't waste time. I kick open the door one by one with my men behind.

The first and second room were empty but as I approached the third room I hear a faint cry and Jimin too heard it.

I kick it open to see the fucker Bogum on the bed getting ready with Tae on all four and tied to bed while begging and crying.

I shot on his thigh and Bogum fall of the bed. Jimin was quick to cover Tae body with a blanket before my men can see his body or his face.

I hover over Bogum and throw punches to his face with all the rage, anger and scared for Tae until I heard Jungkook voice telling me to stop.

"Gguk! Stop!" I turn to look at him and look back at the body underneath me. He has losylt consciousness.

My eyes search for Tae who is covered in blanket and a black robe I assume belong to Jimin.

"Take him and the old men to the room. Make sure to clear all his men."
Jungkook gave orders.

"Baby love... I'm sorry love... I lift him and put him on my lap, his body is shivering and he can't seem to squirming while letting out quiet moan but crying at the same time.

"Gguk, Kook look... This isn't normal lube and I believe he already use it on Tae that's why he is squirming and this a drug to increase sex drive and one is already missing."

That fucker! He is going to pay way worse!

"Jin already at the hospital with our doctor on standby.. Quick take him there!" Namjoon talk to is through the earpiece.

"Kook amd I will head out first, Rm, Chim, Suga, Jhope please clear the rest." I speak giving orders hold Tae bridal style.

Jungkook is the driving and I'm still holding Tae on my lap apologising and keep hugging him.

My mind keep repeating the scene I saw when I kicked the door opened, I was hoping Bogum didn't manage to do anything yet. I really can't forgive myself again if the past repeat again.

Arriving at the hospital I saw Jin was already waiting with a doctor on his side with a few nurses. Kook stop the I was quick to put Tae on the wheelchair and push him inside.

"Make a parameter around the hospital and we will use the suite so guard the VIP lift at the ground floor and suite entrance also the emergency exit." Jin give orders to the escorts who followed us here.

Jungkook, Jin and I quickly made our way in and escorts Tae ourselves.

"Use the suite to treat him." Jin said to the gang doctor who work at the hospital Jeon Corp own.

"I know Jin, don't worry I know what I do. I know how important of a person he is to the all of you. " Doctor Bang told Jin.

Doctor Bamg told us to wait outside while he treat Tae in a room which at first causing rage to Jin because he doesn't want to leave Tae alone.

"I can't forgive myself if it happens again..." I said lowly but Jin and Kook heard me.

"It is not your fault Gguk, if you said its yours then I should take the blame too because both of us are his lovers."

"I know... I just can't....." Then I cried, Jin hug me and I cried in his arms because I can't hold my feelings any longer.

The rest of the gang are already here.
"How's the kid?" Suga ask with Jimin and Jhope waiting for the same answer.

"Still inside." Jungkook said and they noded understand.

I sit between Namjoon and Jin with my head lean to Jin's shoulder and I felt a bit better than before.

Finally the doctor come out with a few nurses pushing a bed with a sleeping Taehyung. I believe they will take him to the ward.

"How's my baby?" Jin was the first to ambush the doctor.

"He is fine and stable now, no serious injury. The drug they gave him has ware off and everything is fine. I put him to sleep to rest his mind and body. He will wake up tomorrow and no... He didn't get rape. However he might be in trauma so give him some space and don't force him."

With that Doctor Bang left us and I was quick to my baby ward. I want to always be there for him. I enter the ward, Jungkook behind me. We both stand on each side of the bed looking at his calm sleeping face.

I could not hold it any longer and drop to my knees while holding his hand and cried. Its not just me but Jungkook too, both of us never cried for anyone but for Tae we did unashamedly cry.

The feeling of relief and disappointment of failing to protect him make me and Kook like this.

"Guys...Tae never blame you and this time it's not your fault too. Go home Gguk.. Kook. He is not goong to wake up anyway so go home and rest."

"No hyung, I wanna be here and protect him." Jungkook said lowly.

"Guys...go home, clean yourself, sleep a bit before you return. Me and Joonie will accompany him tonight. Your turn will come tomorrow. So..go.... Jimin, suga, Hobi. You guys too."

All of us have to obey Jin hyung so we left after the 5 of us take turn on kissing Taehyung's forehead.

"Yonggi hyung, Bogum is the basements?" he only noded.

"Don't tell me you are heading there too?" Yonggi suddenly said.

"Me too." Jungkook, Hobi and Chim said at the same time.

I chuckle at how we have the same mind.

"The more, the merrier..." Hobi said with a vicious look.

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