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I know, I can see it in him. Jungkook fell in love with Jin Hyung's baby. He has never given that kind of look before. Kook is more reserve unlike me, I am a playboy I hit on both ways but me too like Kook never actually fall in love before.

Today, we are in trouble because I felt it too. I fall in love with that boy. I wanted to burn alive the person who did this to Tae.

There is a lot that we didn't know about him but I know starting from today he gain 2 persons in his life that will kill for him.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung must know everything about him.

"I think both of you should go home now. Thank you for your help."

Namjoon hyung speaks up waking both of us from our deep thought about the sleeping boy.

"Nevermind hyung, we will call you tomorrow." With that me and Jungkook went back to our apartment and its almost sunrise whem we reach our apartment but both of us need our sleep. I went to sleep with Tae in my mind.

I woke up, get cleaned up and head straight to the office where Jungkook is already there talking on the phone.

"Yes Dad, me and Gguk will manage. Enjoy your retirement and don't worry about us. Bye dad."

"Where is he?" I asked Kook when he hang up.


"Kook.... Its about...."

"Tae?" Jungkook cut me off. I noded.

"I know you feel it too, but I don't mind, I can understand it." I said.

"So.. What should we do?"

"Nothing for now, he might not even like us and to force him is out of the topic because we don't want to be slaughter by Jin hyung right?" He chuckled.


Jungkook was right. The boy is still unconscious and weak. He might already had a boyfriend or wife or he might be straight.

We should get on with life.

Life goes on.


Am I finally dead? My eyes feels heavy but this place where I'm lying is very comfy and it's warm too.

My last memory was on a bench by the lake, shivering cold and very hungry. Slowly I opened my eyes, peach looking ceiling, I know this place. I've been here a few times.

Jin hyung and Namjoon hyung house, they are always the one to help me but how do they know where am I.

"Tae bear.... Baby... How are you feeling?" I see Jin hyung... He looks worry, his eyes red and puffy.

I tried to talk but my throat feel too dry.

"Here baby, drink." He lift my head to help me drink using a straw.

"Don't talk baby, just rest." I noded and my eyes feels heavy again, and sleepiness take in.

"Hello Dr. Hyun, he is awake." That was the last thing I heard.

I wake for a few minutes and fall back asleep. My life has been like that and I believe it been few days since that night. Mother amd father at home must be so angry because I ran away but I can't anymore.

"Joonie, stay with Tae while I cook some porridge for him. I don't want him to wake to an empty room." Jin hyung voice. He is very concern about me.

"Sure Princess, you know I love him as much as you love him. He is too precious for you and me, like a son we will never have." I feel Jin hyung kiss on my forehead.

"I hope he will get better soon and Joonie please don't make him return to that hell. I can't even think of them abusing this little angel." Jin hyung pleads.

"Don't think too much princess. Go and make the porridge, this bear going to wake up and hungry."

They love me? All this while, when they are being nice to me because they love me? Love me like a son? How? Why?

I felt tear fell from my eyes.

"Tae bear.. Hey... Why are you crying? Joonie hyung here bear, its just a bad dream."

I open my eyes to see Joonie hyung smiling face with that deep dimple. He hold my hand letting me know he is close and and I am going to be fine.

"Tae, are you hungry?" I noded smiling a bit.

I am feeling happy right now. The feelings I thought I will never feel love again. Am I lucky enough this time? Will they left me like grandma and brother? What should I do? I don't know.... All I know is that, I am happy. For now....

"Baby you're awake, right on time to eat and have your medicine." I turn my head from Joonie hyung to see Jin hyung walking in with my food on his hand and place it on the side table.

What do I do to desrve them in my life?

Jin hyung fed me and Joonie hyung give me my medicine. A doctor came, he checked on my condition and from what I heard I am getting better now. Both Jin and Joonie hyung look delighted.

"Hyung?" I ask Jin hyung who sit by the bed side.

"Can I ask you something?" Jin hyung face change, like he is afraid of something.

"What is it baby?"

"Can I.... Can I....take a shower?" I looked down afraid if my requests was a burden to him and he might feel annoyed.

"Of course baby! Let me prepare warm water for you so you can relax your body in the bath tub."

He help me into the bath tub and it feel so relax.

"Call me when you're done ok? Can you manage yourself?"

"Yes hyung, I am better now." with that he left and again I felt awkward knowing he do things for me because he really care about me.

"I place your clothes on the bed. Come out if you want to have dinner with me and Joonie at the table."

"I'd like to. Thank you hyung."

It feels so good to have a soak in warm water. Finally I can move on my own. My legs aren't wobbly anymore and when I'm getting up my head doesn't feels dizzy.

After putting on new set of clothes Jin hyung prepare for me, I walked of the room and follow the voice of Jin hyung and found the dining area.

I stand there at the door fidgeting whether I want to eat there or not cause suddenly I'm afraid again of their kindness towards me.

"My bear, why are you standing there come here." Joonie hyung notice me and call me up to sit at the table with him. Now I realised that Joonie hyung always act like a father to me, his support and kind words are always there to me feel warm and Jinnie hyung is always the mother figure.

Am I being blessed right now for all the time I'm in pain?

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