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I remain calm the whole time but my insides are burning flames that can burn anything that come close. My love was raped and beaten and I wasn't there to protect him. I keep blaming myself for not noticing his presence at the club when I always visit that club. Guilty is eating me up and this man before me are gonna get it.

I ordered Madam Gabby to transfer both of them to the torturing chamber underground. It is rarely used because we don't want mixed both business but it seems that this matter can't wait.

Namjoon and Jin hyung are already on their home with Taehyung, while Suga, Hobi and Jimin looking for evidence in Han's office. As soon as I entered the chamber both of the father and son are tied on a chair with eyes closed. They seem terrified.

I instructed my men release the cloth covering their eyes and they were shocked to me and Gguk but he doesn't recognize us with our face mask on.

"Where are we? w....w..why... are you doing this? I WILL REPORT YOU! LET US GO! I KNOW YOU!"

Their scream doesn't affect me at all and they obviously don't know anything about the Jeon Mafia.

"You want to report us? Sure go ahead. I heard you have been doing your own investigation? Find anything interesting?"

Gguk release his hand and give him his own phone. They look surprised but still trying to save themselves by the opportunity given.

With shaky hand he select a name in his contact list, as soon as the person in the line pick up Gguk snatched the phone and put it on loudspeaker.

"Mr. Gong, help! JEON MAFIA KIDNAP ME! I KNOW....."

Before he can finish his sentence, Mr.Gong laugh so hard and that got us smirk looking at him, both Jungguk and I take off our mask.

"I know them too, me and their father go way back! You asshole must did something to deserve this. Sorry the police didn't have your back." With that he hang up.

Now, he looked panic, his eyes is looking everywhere and his son was too shocked to say anything.

"You think you are superior than us? You know nothing about us or the place you live in and the real people who run and protect this place." Its my turn to speak.

"But now is not the time to tell you about all of this. I will torture you to your death slowly because your son mess with our lover...."

"NO!!!!! I DIDN'T!!! I DON'T KNOW..." I stab his thigh with a knife and left it there. He scream so loud and cry at the pain.

"REMEMBER THE GUY YOU ALMOST RAPE AT THE CLUB?!" His eyes went wide, I'm sure he remember now.

"Now you remember?" I said in a lower octave.

"I'M SORRY! I DIDN'T KNOW! PLEASE PLEASE.... don't kill me please...." He is begging and crying.

"But, you know who is Hana but you still trying to use her and dare to mess with us. You should the consequences...." Gguk said.

"THAT'S HIS PLAN! I JUST FOLLOW!" He panic and pointing at his father with his eyes.

"WHAT?! SON, WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Han shocked at his son action.


Even when the rage is within me, my mind isn't here. I want to go back to Taehyung and stay by his side. I can't deal with the stupid coward bastard. They are just normal victim that don't deserve our time here because the most important person in my life need me more.

They are not worthy at the moment so I decide.

I know Gguk was having the same thoughts because he is not thirsty for blood like he always is, we just not in the mood to entertain this two clown who start accusing each other now.

Without a word Gguk understand my eyes and we both walk outside the chamber.

"Transfer them to the to the gang's torture room and torture them but don't kill them yet and place them in a cell."

With that we left, my heart is aching for Tae.

Taehyung must be terrified when he saw that person that he fainted immediately due to lack of oxygen. He didn't deserve all of this shit, a pure soul like him deserve all the happiness in the world.

We reach out Jin Hyung house and heard Taehyung cry and shout. I immediately run in and head to his room where his voice come from.

"LET ME GO! DON'T TOUCH ME! HE'S GOING TO RAPE ME! SAVE ME MOM!" Taehyung shout hysterics.

Jin hyung try to calm him down, hugging him with soothing sweet words. He didn't let the doctor come close when they try to inject him with sleeping medicine.

Me and Gguk halt our step automatically, I am afraid if he would be scared as us too. The doctor step outside for a moment and I took the chance to ask him about Taehyung.

"He is experiencing PTSD from the event that happen before, the feeling so new to him as if it was yesterday it happen."

"JUNGKOOK!!!! JUNGGUK!!! Mom! Why are they not here? Where..." With that both of us enter the room and Tae immediately try to stand up and run to us but his leg is too shaky that he fall.

My heart is aching looking at his swollen eyes and pale face, he truly feel terrified.

I pick him up bridal style and Tae is quick to put his arm around my neck.

"Hyung, can you leave us alone and doctor do you probably have any sleeping pill that we could mix in his drink later?"

Jin and Namjoon hyung leave us in the room after preparing a drink that already have drug to help him sleep and rest.

"Love, you are safe with us." Taehyung lay on his bed with me and Gguk laying on our side and facing him after taking the drink.

"Yes, baby. You don't have to be scared of anything because we will never leave you okay." We try to assure him that he will be safe all the time.

"Don't leave please....." He said with shaky voice, pleading at us.

"Baby.... We won't baby."

"Rest well love, we'll stay by your side." Tae can't help the heaviness in his eyes and fall asleep.

"At least he can accept us. I was afraid if he is going to push us out too." Gguk said his concern that was same as mine.

"Yeah..me too brother."

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