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I am about to pounce on them! To hurt them more! I only see red, as if I could hear my baby screaming for my help but we weren't there to help him.

He must be feeling scared--terrified and in pain.

The way I see lost in his orb, I know they break him and it is unforgiven.

I know the call is about Tae and he is our priority so we head out and jump inside the car and race to the hospital.

Approaching the ward I could hear Tae screaming both my name and my twin.

"DON'T TOUCH ME! HELP ME GGUK! Where are you Kookie... Hurts!"

Both of us rush inside the room and see the doctor and nurses holding him down like he is some kind of mental patient.

"Let him go!"

I said sternly which scared the doctor and nurse.

I am quick to sit in front of... How I wish to hug him but I know, he is very sensitive right now.

I hold his hand softly, Gguk sat on the other side of the bed.

"Leave us." Gguk ordered and everyone leaves including all of our closest friends.

"Tae Love.... Your Kookie is here.. Shhhh.. Don't cry love... Gguk is here too."

Tae lift up his face and it broke my heart to see his crying face, swollen red eyes, bruise lips his eyes tell that he suffering right now.

His eyes look at me and Gguk back and forth like he is looking for some assurance that we won't hurt him.

His trembling hand slowly move to touch my face and I lean into his touch slowly letting his hand to feel the warmth of my skin to show him that we are real.

"Baby......" Gguk call in a soft tone and he look the other side.

"Gg......Ggukie.....Ggukie... You are late..they took me......." Tae cry again and I can see the pang that Gguk feel in his heart. Even though Tae didn't blame him directly, I know what he is thinking right now.

Gguk face drop, he is stun by the statement.

"Petal....Its alright now..we got you. Gguk is here now, he won't let anyone near you, Your Kookie will protect you too...Shhhh...Petal....shhh...stop crying....You are safe..trust me."

Tae lift up his face that he hide on my chest. I gave a look to Gguk to start talking to Tae.

"Baby...I will protect you, we will be with you always, nobody can take you away from us." Gguk rub circle on Tae's back and after a while Tae fall asleep.

I put him on the bed so can he can sleep more comfortably and cover his body with a blanket.

"Gguk, you know he is not blaming, so don't think about it too much."

"He is rights Kook. its because I'm late!"

"Its not! It is his stupid parents fault! Its not the time to feel down Gguk, we need to be strong. Tae need you, he is very weak right now and need all the support he can get. Can't you see, that he didn't even let Jin hyung to come closer to him, just us. We are the only persons he let in so we need to make sure he can get all the love and help her to be strong again. "

I hold his shoulder tightly to convince him that now is not the time to be emotional.

"I understand brother."


I made a phone call to Suga while Jungguk walk down the cafe to grab some food. We promised not to leave him alone so at least one of us should always be around.

"Suga, make sure those bastard are as broken as tae. I mean not just physical but mental as well. Please help Namjoon to manage the mafia too." I speak with venom in my voice.

The next call to Namjoon hyung.

"Hyung please see the mafia for us for a while, both me and Gguk want to focus on Tae but still keep us in the loop. And hyung....please arrange some security for Tae at the hospital inside and out. Thanks Hyung."

A soft knock on the door when the door open slowly, its my dad.

"Dad...what are you doing here?" I hug him.

Gguk walk in second after and hug him too. Dad walk over to Taehyung but did nothing but just look at him with pity.

For a while,I forgot that he didn't know about our relationship with Tae and he never met Tae before.

"Dad....this is...."

"Kim Taehyung, your boyfriend right? Both of you." Gguk too in shock when he said that.

"How do you know?" Gguk questioned.

"You can say I play cupid with Jin help to have him married to either one of you but here we are. He tackle you both." He chuckle.

"He is a good child, very kind, very soft, very polite. The first time I met him by the lake sitting alone like he want to cry after life treat him so bad, he still try to look for goodness in his life to keep on living but deep down I know he is just trying to survive."

"All this while.... You knew? Not that we are trying to hide it from you, it just you were not around and we were busy with both mafia and the company." I noded at Gguk explaination, agree.

"Jin hyung is your spy on us?" I chuckle at that.

"A good one!" he smile.

"The school Tae's attending--you bought it right? I saw the documents at the company.

"Whatever money can buy for your safety and happiness, I'll do it. Taehyung, my lovely son."

Dad get closer to Tae and kiss his forehead and wish us good bye leaving us stunted. That was surprising....very surprising. I never expected him to be warm and open to outsider, well practically Tae was. He was a cold mafia leader and the only soft spot in his heart is for his children.

Tae take his spot without effort.

"Ko..... Gu...hel..help...hurrt...."

Both of us quickly made to his side holding our small lover trembling.

Tae was crying in his sleep, tears fall to the side. He was crying softly maybe because his dream flash the hurtful event.

"Kook....safe me..."

"Stop it... Please.. Please.."


My heart hurts, my head going crazy, my temper rising knowing that's how he was beging for help and keep calling our names but we weren't there.

Anger and guilt rising inside of me, i have to close my eyes. My love need me now. He is my priority.

"Shhhh...baby.... Love.. Ggukie here baby.."

Gguk spoke softly to his ears but his eyes dart to sending a message that I understand. He wants me to keep calm and focus.

"Love.... Wake up... We are here love... Open your eyes..you are safe with us now. Love.... Love...."

Softly my hand reach his small face and softly caress his cheeck.

I really hope with this touch, Tae will wake up with the warmth of our hold and keep him calm knowing he is safe.

"Look like he gone back to sleep."

"Let him take all the rest he needed. Much better if he forgot what happened when he wake up."

I really hope our presence and touch calm him amd and send him back to dream land--a beautiful one.

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