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My heads feel heavy, my whole feel pain, my throat feel very dry it hurts, even my eye feels heavy. I take a deep breath to feel my surroundings better, without looking.

I remember what happen to me, how I was taken by my dad, how I was drag out of the car and inside the house, how he kick my body multiple times and finally how he let someone rape me as a clearance to his debt.

I remember being force, I remember the choke when I struggle, I remember how he force.....

Why...why... Why did I survive that? Why didn't he kill me? Why do I have to live with that memory?

"Baby.....hey....shhh....baby... It me Ggukie, Kook is here too.. Open your eyes baby...."

"Love....its ok to cry.... Let it out baby. We will be with you no matter what."

I cried my heart out, feeling the pain and let it out. I didn't feel a bit relieved from crying so why am I doing this? I'm getting angry at myself for being weak, for unable to protect my self, for letting other people to touchh me.

What would they think of me? Wouldn't they feel disgusted?

Mom.. Dad...Jin and Joon.. Would they still call me their son?

This is the end.

As I thought, happiness really weren't meant for me and this is how my sudden happiness that I don't deserve being ripped off from me.

I didn't notice, my breath is getting shorter, breath....breath....

"hey...hey...love....calm down.. Listen to my voice baby. Breath slowly.... Breath... Breath...."

Listened to Jungkook voice was soothing and calming, why was he still here?

"Love..come back to us, we miss you. Namjoon and Jin come here everyday waiting for you to come around, and Suga, Jimin, Jhope your brothers...they too are waiting for you love."

Jungkook pleads and my heart break. They still want me?

"Baby.. It me.. Your Ggukie remember? Baby.....I'm sorry.. Its my fault if I was quick enough..It's my fault baby...pp..pl...please f..for..forgive me..." Ggukie sobb and my heart break even more.

No way! Ggukie! My eyes snap open hearing how he blame himself.

Both my boyfriends were holding my hand on each sides. Gguk was on my left so I turn my hand so my palm would met his and intertwined our fingers and do the same to my right with Jungkook.

They seem surprised that I'm awake.

I want to say something when my throat feel dry my voice come out hoarse and Kook quickly got me a drink.

"Ggukie...no....don't say sorry, it's not your fault...please don't make me feel anymore worse. You too Kook.. Stop blaming yourself, both of you..."

Ggukie and Kookie heads look down, their shoulders fall, I understand their feelings because I blame myself too.

But I don't want them to this to themselves.

"We promised you to always protect you but we fail...." Coming out from Kook.

"N...no...don't...s...sa..say that..." I cried.

Apart from are getting a sudden relieve when both my lovers are here, comforting me.

I realise what I just did was the worse, I didn't trust them, I put them down so much, not just my lovers but my family too. I believe something that is wrong, like I'm accusing that their love for me was just fake love.

"Petal.. Stop crying please... Calm down..."

I know.. I realised... What happened to me was very cruel, very evil, very inhuman, very painful, what they did to me was unacceptable.

But.. I also see, my family is there for me, always by my side, giving love amd support I never asked for. How lucky I am to be here, with them even in this situation.

It is still hard for me but I will be strong, if not for me, for them.

After the doctor and nurse walk out, Gguk amd Kook enter the room with a small smile on their face which I miss so much.

"Hey love...."

Jungkook sit by myside and Gguk stand next to him.

Awkward, I don't know what to say or how to react so I just look down. I can't face them after what I thought about them. The feeling of guily surpass everything right now

"Baby... What's wrong?"

Then a soft knock on the door amd and there is my parents, the one I need right now. Maybe its true what Dad said, even if something going to happen to my relationship with the twins, my bond with them remains.

"Tarbear.... You're awake.. How are you feeling bear?"

Gguk and Kook gave some space to them.

I smile at mom trying to stay strong but when I see the worry and love in their eyes... Again I cry a river in their arms.

Mom and dad hug me tight as if they are telling not to fall, because they are here to always help me stand, to protect and to love.

"Baby bear... You are strong... We will get through this together, you got us.. everyone of us..." I cried.. I'm far frok touched... I'm grateful....

"Joonie is right baby.. You are ours.. No matter what.. You are ours..."

My face muffle to dad shouldet and my arms hugging them both, I wet his shirt but he didn't mind at all.

"Our love for you remains baby... Nothing change..I believe you boyfriends feel the same..."

Like he knew.. Like he is reading my mind.. Namjoon hyung--dad, he knows like a true father. He understands what I'm going through and what has been in my mind.

"Hungry....." I suddenly sad while drying my wet face with my palm and heard a chuckle from everyone presence.

"I have porridge for you baby bear, I don't know if you're gonna be awake today but made it anyway."

Mom happily put the dish on the adjustable table for hospital bed and Gguk pour me some water.

"When you're a better, we'll take you to have much more decent meal, okey?" Kook told with scrunch on his face.

"You are saying my meal is not decent?" Jin hyung--mom said while shooting dagger at Kook.

I'm fine...

They keep me company for the rest of the evening when my three brothers come to visit me.

"I thought you hate me now!" I said sulking.

Surprisingly, Suga hyung who's always been good at keeping his emotion calm and collected rush to hug me and keep repeating in his whisper when he hug me.

"Thank you.... Thank you... Thank you God so much....."

He then kiss my forehead and everyone was watching the drama, not to make the situation awkward Jimin and J hope take their turns in hugging me and kissing me on my forehead.

I am now sitting on Ggukie lap while he rub circle behind my back and theyy all chat like nothing happened. Making small jokes and fights which quiet entertaining for me.

All of them avoided the topic, the nightmare that happened to me. I know they want me to forget so everyone was careful with their words but still manage to make me smile even though I'm still shaken but at least I know they won't let it happen to me again. I trust them with my life.

They will keep me safe and their love is mine to keep forever.

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