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After having a delicious dinner made by Jin hyung, Tae, Gguk and me went to Tae's room. Me and Gguk will return to our home tonight and will start working again tomorrow.

Tae is looking a bit moody, maybe because he knows we won't be staying with him tonight or something else is going wild in his mind again.

"Love, me and Gguk will go home tonight. You know right?"

He only look down and and made a small nod but his face look sad.

Damn! He is making me want to kidnap him from here but Jin hyung won't be happy. Tae too won't be very pleased. I don't want to snatch away the new happy family he just got.

Jin and Namjoon hyung has been a wonderful parents that Tae always been dream of.

"Why are you sad baby?" Gguk rub circle at his back slowly.

"Will you visit? Won't you be forgetting me? What if you forgot about me?" His eyes red and it breaks my heart to hear that.

"Angel.. Love, it won't happen. We are lovers, of course we will always visit you. We will come everyday if work allows us. Maybe during lunch or dinner." I assure him.

"And maybe on weekend we can go out on a date. Nobody can take your place baby, you have no idea what you have done to us. We will always be coming back to you. You can call us whenever you miss us, baby."

Tae hug Gguk and it make my heart feels heavy. After yesterday, I don't want to separate from him for even a second.

Tae turn to me and hug me next with his petite body, the soft hug feels wonderful. It's good to know that he don't to be away like I do.

Honestly I am admiring the marks on his golden skin. I feel proud to be the one who put it there even though Jin hyung gave us a warning, I don't think I can resist the temptation.

Gguk look at me as a sign to start the topic we want to talk about with Tae.

"Angel, I was wondering if you have any ambition or plan in life. We all know that working in a bar is not it."

"Baby, whatever your dream is, me and Kook will support it as long as you remain close to us."

Tae look up like thinking, maybe he has forgotten all about dreams in life. Maybe dreams is luxury for him before this.

"I always wanted to go to college. I'd like to study art but I forgotten all about it after grandma passed away."

I saw sadness in his eyes, everytime being reminded of his past, I feel unworthy because I can't protect him before.

"You should do it!" Gguk said excited.

"But.... I don't have enough money for that. It's going to be very expensive plus will Jin and Namjoon let me?" he sajd unsure.

"Your parents, will allow it and will be very happy if that's what you want to do. About financial, let me tell you, your new parents is damn rich! And you have a boyfriends who has unlimited account as well. So, I don't see any problem there."

Tae still look unsure, he is conservative, he want to earn his ken money--but I'll make sure he will get used of this luxury,

"We will talk about it later with hyung. For starting, take this and used it as you please." Gguk take out his black card when I am about to do the same. We handed the card at the same time. Tae look speechless.

Both of us chuckle at how both of us thinking the same thing.

Tae shake his head not accepting.

"Love, you must take it and I want you to get used of all of this okey? You don't want to make us sad right?"

His cute face is shown when he is trap like that. Tae take both cards and mumble a thank you.

Gguk look at the time and its late.

Tae hug me again as he noticed that we are going to make a move.

A hug turn into a make out session and I can say the mark on Tae golden skin looking more beautiful.

The second make session we had also send Tae into deep slumber after he just from his nipple and neck being tease and left with a lot of dark pink spot on his skin.

We left after we clean his body from his own cum and change his shirt into a new one.

After a short talk with Jin hyung about Tae ambition Jin is glad and happy that Tae want to go to college.

He is excited about it and want to do everything on his own from finding a good college to supporting his financial education like a mother would.

I am really glad that Jin and Namjoon hyung take Taehyung like his own son. Not to mention, the 3 of them have the Sur name.

Like it is destiny.

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