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***somebody please tell me how do I fix the mixed chapters. I tried to arrange the chapters accordingly but after saving its still like that!


I know my Jinnie is thinking about Taehyung right now. He is not 100% agree with uncle Jungmi plan because according to him Tae is still a baby and he don't need love from others apart from us.

He really really love Taehyung so much, he decided that Taehyung will stay with us forever as our child. He even make a will that if anything happen to us, everything will go to Taehyung.

However, after so much convincing, he agree because everything will be decided by Taehyung amd and the plan was simple too.


"I am not going to agree. He is still a baby... My baby and he don't need to this now." Jin cross his armed showing protest to me and uncle.

I know he is mad that I didn't take his side.

"Jin, you can't keep him forever plus its just a simple plan for them to spend time together and let things workout naturally and if nothing happen we let it be."

"I know you want him as your son in law uncle but this is too son. Tae is still in healing process, I'm afraid if things get worse." Jin try to reason his uncle. Both of them are stubborn.

"we are not forcing Tae on anything, I just want them to have private time together away from us. Then maybe their story will start to take turn..and if not we just let them have more time."

This is literally a debate.

"Baby, i think there's no harm in Uncle plan. Just for them to hang out together and maybe realise something. Isn't much better if Tae fall in love with either of them because at least we are still family. Just imagine someday, Tae fall in love with some outsiders we don't know about and took him away. "

I know, I hit my mark and winning the game.

So here we are at a suite of Jeon Hill Hotel lying about the business trip to Tae and the twins.

Uncle Jungmi planned all of this and Jin unwillingly obey.

"Baby, cool down. What's important is that he is safe right? Let them know their hearts maybe we got the answer or maybe not. Nothing is going to change, he is still our son."

Jin smile and nod his head and hug me.

"Thank you for that. You knew me too well. I'm sorry if I make you worry."

He is more calm and my day is getting hotter and hotter because Jin decided to treat this getaway as our short honeymoon.


After eating dinner, Gguk and Kook told me to wait for them at the living room as they clean the kitchen. I tried to help but they insisted that I should just take a rest.

It is so difficult to be around both of them since I come to realise about my feelings and and I am not 100% sure if it is possible to have love for 2 persons at the same time.

If only I can talk to Jin or Namjoon hyung about this.

I am always comfortable and happy around them and they treat me so well. They always thought that I didn't notice when they get angry at the peoples who stare at me or talk shit when we go out together and I found them adorable like that.

I know they tried to hide it so I won't get scared but the truth is it is scary and I do get scared when I saw their 'I'm so piss right now!' face.

Unknowingly I called them Beast but a handsome and sexy beast. I swear that the duality they have going to make the girls kill themselves.

Jungguk and Jungkook, a sexy and handsome single men, they are rich too. Hot girls are drooling over them wherever we go and I am the lucky one who get to spend time with them as if I am their lover.

Oh my god! What am I thinking? My face is getting hotter!

"Baby? Are you fine?" Gguk on my left.

"Love, your face is red, do you have fever?" Kook on my right.

"I... I'm f..fine." why do I stutter.

This is embarrassing.

"Are you sure Love?

I noded. I can see that Gguk and Kook look at each other like they have something to discuss? To tell? To annouce? Thay have girlfriends now and can't spend time with me anymore?

Why does it hurt thinking like that?

"Baby, me and Kook want to talk to you about something." Gguk seems a bit nervous. Maybe my guess is true.

"More like to ask you." Kook added.

"What is it about?" Gguk and Kook are different since dinner time. They are more quiet.

At least Gguk is always the naughty one and like to tease but both seems a bit cold but trying to act normal. They hate me already?

My personal beast.... will leave me.

Why do I feel very sad. I feel like running from here. I can't hear it from them. I can feel my heart shatter, ripped apart.


Maybe it is true... I did love them both.

"Baby... Why are you crying?" Kook quickly grab a tissue for me and sit on the floor in front of me.

I shake my head.


"Tell us Love... Why are you crying?"

"Nothing really, suddenly I remember about my brother. Miss him. What do you guys want to talk about?"

Kook hold my hand as he basically on his knee in front of me.

"we are going straight to the point love. Me and Gguk read your writing in the book and we wanted to know, who is the person that you have feelings for?" Kook said.

"Y...you...read?" Damn stuttering.

"Yes baby... We read it..so who?" Gguk seems a bit piss. My beast are angry at me.

"Gguk...relax.... We promise to accept whoever it is. " Gguk are no longer sit close to me. He leans back and rub his face. It easy to read that he is angry.

"Why... Why is Gguk is mad?" my voice shiver.

"Love.. We apologise for reading your book without permission but we if dont we would never know about this. The truth is me and Jungguk, we love you. We fell in love with you since that night but we decided to let you choose between us and we will accept it if it is one of us but after months if spending time together and you have feelings for someone else really make us lose hope."

They love me?

"You love me?" I asked.

"Yes Tae.. We love you. It's fine for you to choose if its between us but not others!" Gguk said with a louder voice he never use on me before.

"Gguk!" Jungkook warned him.

Should I told them, won't they be disgusted?

I'm scared of Gguk right now, his beast are ready to break loose. He tried to control it.

"You will think I am disgusting if I were to tell you but...." My tears keep coming out, my brain can't process anything anymore.

"Tae.. Baby... Don't cry.. I'm sorry I'm shouted and no. We won't feel disgusted just tell us who." He side hug me trying to comfort me rubbing my back.

I lower my head and start to spill it in low voice.

"There's no other. Its about you..."

"So love you fell in love with one of us?" Kook said more relieved.

I Shake head as no sign.

"I fell in love with both of you." with that I ran inside my room and lock the door.

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