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Me and Jungguk are handling a few meetings at our mafia headquarters, some issues regarding the mafia business and to know the update of what is going on in our territory as we set certain rules and everyone in the territory must obey.

The headquarters are the place only for higher ranking of Jeon Mafia however me and Jungguk still cover our face to them only the trusted circle which include Jin and Namjoon hyung, Suga hyung, Hobi hyung, and Jimin hyung. We put on our face mask when ae are out from the office.

Suga hyung is our weapon expert, Jin hyung is the business dealer, Namjoon hyung is our right hand man and a planner, Hobi hyung is the technology wizard and Jimin hyung is our martial arts experts.

They are the only trusted circles in the mafia that knows me and Gguk personally.

"Both of you, about Japan.. What is your decision about the proposal?" Namjoon hyung asked.

"I think we should put on hold and do a backgroud check on them in details. Where is Jin hyung? He always helps in situation like this."Gguk said.

"I agree with Gguk, we hold the biggest area in Japan and even if we deny the proposal we wont lose anything. The proposal is good only to reduce the amount of threat but we still need to be sure that we can trust them." I added.

" Jin hyung has the same opinion as you Kook. Good job both of you, I like the way of thinking you have. We will proceed as per discussed." Namjoon finalise the meeting.

The job is done, everyone already left, it is always Namjoon to be the last to left the meeting room so me and Jungguk waited for everyone to be gone first.

"Hyung.... Lunch?" Gguk asked.

"Sorry guys, Jin cooked for lunch today. He already warn to come home for lunch." Namjoon hyung said.

"Lately, You rarely have lunch with us hyung....!" Gguk whined and I just noded.

"Sorry guys, because Tae is now living with us so Jinnie always made lunch."
YES!!! He take the bait.

Both of us want to approach Love as we call him, without getting on the badside of Jin hyung.

"Tae? The kids we rescue the other day?" I asked.

"Yea, upon some circumstances Jinnie refuse to let him go." Thankgod for us.

"Its your home and your right to do Whatever you want hyung. Right now I miss Jin hyung cooking, looks like Jinnie hyung doesn't even remember us... " said Gguk sulking.

Namjoon hyung end up taking us to his house for lunch and he even tell Jin that we are coming.

When we enter the house we didn't see anyone at the living room just Jin hyung voice talking to someone.

"Awwww... My big baby is here.. Joonie told me Gguk were sulking before. How can I ever forget both of you..." Jin hyung hug both of us even kissing Gguk on his cheek which make Gguk shout at him.

"Yah... Hyung....." Then we heard it.. A giggle at the corner of the room. Beautiful and angelic, making me and Gguk stare at him for a while. The boy getting anxious with us staring at him.

Jin hyung walk over to him and pull him forward, he just look down all the time hiding his angelic face.

"Tae bear , let me introduce to you.. Jungkook and Jungguk, they are twins and they help Joonie when he rescued you that night." he looked up shock when previous incident was mentioned.

"Th.... Thank you...." His stuter is cute.

"Ok let's eat guys!" it's obvious that Jin hyung was trying to chage the subject and make it less awkward to Taehyung.

All of us gather in the dining room and enjoy the food Jin hyung made which was very very delicious. Even though he is apart of the mafia members, he still manage to take care of this kind of thing. Both of us really look up to Jin and Namjoon.

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