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Tae :

My whole life I have been envying others life because mine is hell. This park listen to all my cries and complain that I have about my life. I am still grateful even though nobody love me in my life, this park is still nice to me. The tree give me shelter and a place to rest whenever I feel tired or suffocated.

How does it feel to be love? To be in the embrace someone who love you? I witness many couples who came here, young or old...their face shows happiness which I never felt before.

There are also families, happy families, with their littles...running around the park with their pet dog. I can see how much love the child gets just from their parents eyes. Even the dog has a speacial place in their hearts.

And there is me, alone... Envying the other for their happiness something I never felt after my brother left this world. He is the only human being who ever love with his heart. Not even my parents like me. Like... They don't even like me, and they will never LOVE me.

I am an unwanted child because I am not my father's son. Mother gave birth to me after she was raped by my dad's friend who came to the house to gamble and get drunk.

I am a raper son. Son of a devil according to them. Why?
Why didn't she have an abortion when she was pregnant. Why gave birth to me just to torture me, abuse me, why they didn't kill me inside her womb?

My childhood years were gone just like that without an ounce of happiness except when my brother were still alive and after he is gone my life became miserable.

I have nobody in this world, no shoulder to cry on. Everyday, after work I came here. Just to feel calm and rest before I continue my night job at the club. This park, this tree is like my escape. A place where I feel peace before storm.

The peaceful lake, always make me feel calm at heart. For a moment I feel like my life was not a total hell. Just this moment, alone without shouting voice, eyes shooting daggers at me or a hit at the back of my body.

"My baby is here! You are early baby, why don't you take a nap in my room first?"

Jin hyung, is like a mother to me, he act like one while my own mother never do it. I guess, I am lucky to have someone like him in my life. Its been 2 years now that I've been working at his club as a bartender and he is always nice to me.

"It's okey hyung, I can just start working ear...."

"No buts! Get your ass inside the room and take a nap." I just noded and walk inside his room to take a nap on the couch. Jin hyung is scary when angry which I always obeys.

"Baby, darling... Wake up..." I open my eyes to see Jin hyung sitting in front of me. I abruptly sit up to look at the clock.

I overslept and my shift has already started. I quickly out on my shoes to walk out, I'm scared if Jin hyung think I take things for granted.

"Sorry hyung, I overslept.. I will work extra hours today. I should go now...."

"SIT DOWN!" I turn back to look at him, I made him angry. Finally, he also will hate me like my parents. I just look down not daring to look up but still obey him to sit.

"Baby....I purposely didn't wake you up. You look tired. I ask someone to cover for you while you sleep." Jin sit next to me and gave me a hug.

Tear slip my eyes and I start crying. I thought he hates me. I feel relieved that he didn't hate me.

"Shhh.. Baby I'm here...stop crying."

The door open and Joonie hyung the walk in. He is Jin hyung husband and he is very kind to me just like Jin hyung.

"Hey, what's wrong tae bear? Why are you crying?" Joonie hyung sit on my other side.

Now I feel bad because I made them worried. I don't deserve their love and kindness, I am dirty, that's what mother always said.

"Joonie, he overslept and he thought I am angry at him." Jin hyung rub circle on my back to calm me down.

"Tae bear, no worries. I ask Jin to let you sleep more because I want you to eat first before going to work okey? Will you be a good bear and eat for us?" Again I just nod. I am feeling shy. I feel undeserved of all this kindness.

Both if them are always so kind to me but I don't want to get used to it because someday I know they will leave me too, I am afraid to be left alone devastated if I am too used to them.

Joonie hyung bought me a meal, my favourite and he knows it. He treat me like a son or I am feeling him acting like a father. I am grateful for this temporary love I have, because it will never last.

I am scared of love, father always told I don't deserve it because I am a dirty child born from the lust of a devil. It always hurts when he said that sometimes I feel like ending my life because I'm tired of living alone and in misery.

I am only living, with no goals or hope with the life I have. I never once thinking about future because there are no future for me. I never make a wish anymore because they were come true instead they take from me.

I get back to work behind bars where Jin hyung assign to me because behind bars I am protected he said. I notice poeple always stare at me, maybe because of my ugly face and that's why maybe Jin hyung don't want to move around the club, I might scare his customer.

After I am done with my shift, Jin hyung and Joonie hyung drove me back home like always.

"Tae bear, did you thought about my offer to you?" Jin hyung ask while we are still in the car.

"To..... To..live with you? Its not that I don't like you. I don't want to bother both of you. But thank you so much for your offer."

"I understand but bear, please promise me one thing. If your hit you please come to us okey?" Joonie hyung said and just noded while Jin hyung look sad.

I can't.. I just can't... Or they too will be gone from my life just like grand ma and brother.

I immediately walk out of the car after saying thank you to Joonie and Jin hyung.

I hope both of my parents are too drunk to even move.

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