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I am so ashamed when my limbs give up on me that I have to be carried around all day by the twins.

"Stop sulking baby....." I am protesting them both for making me like this.

Lucky, today is Saturday so I don't have classes.

I woke this morning feeling happy when I remembered what happened last night. It feels like I was drunk and lost in the love that Jungkook and Jungguk was giving me.

"Baby.. Eat up we will send you home because Jin hyung is back and we have to go to work." Jungguk call up.

"How? Jin will kill me....you guys disable me!" I am whining because I just can't show myself to anyone right now.

"He won't Love, he loves you. As long as you're happy. Are you regretting everything we did yesterday?"

Kook is making me feel guilty because all I did is whine and blame them since I woke up.

I look down and shake my head slowly, my face is flush read because everything that happened yesterday is nothing but pleasure that I never felt before. They gave me love, taking care of me.

"I'm sorry...."

"It's okay baby, we understand your feelings plus we are at fault too but baby your Ggukie want to know. Do you feel good yesterday? Did we hurt you?"

I am getting redder by the second, my toes curl remembering the good time I had last night. The only way I can answer is by smiling, just smile and look down again hiding my tomato looking face.

"Its good to know that we didn't hurt you angel. Thank you for giving us the best night of our life."

Jungkook kiss my temple softly and Jungkook kiss me next. I close my eyes feeling their love in the soft kisses.

After that we head back and I insist on walking even though the limping was so obvious. I rather walk than let my new parents see me turn disable like that.

"Taetae!! you're back!" Jin hyung hug me as soon as he open the door.

"Jin hyu...." Jin hyung stop me.

"no..no..no.. what is tae tae?"

"erm.....mom...." I scratch the back of my head out of shyness. (Jin will bw referred as mom after this.)

"Good Job!!" He ruffle my hair and it makes me feel like having a real family.

"Wait...why are you limping Ta...." Then his eyes when wide. "Did lost your innocence last night?" He asked me but I just can't answer him so he attacked the twin. "You guys force him?!"

"NO!!!! They asked me first and I agree." I don't know what has got into me that I start to cry. Namjoon hyung come and hug me like a real dad.

"Don't cry baby, it's normal. Your mom were just shocked, he is too protective of you." I am still crying and the twins come for me with tissues to dry my tears and saying sweet words so I would calm down.

"Jin hyung!" Jungguk called.

"Owhhhh baby, I am so sorry. I am not angry just want clarifications that it is making love and not rape." Mom hug me and draw circle on my bag and it make me feel a little better.

"Hyung!" Jungkook and Jungguk said at once.

"Jinnie...." Joonie hyung called and Jin hyung roll his eyes.

"On my defense, I love this bear so much and I won't allow anything bad to happen to him. Even though both of you are his boyfriend, you don't get the right to decide anything for him. He will do what he wants. Understand?!" I just love how he is protective of me.

Jin hyung give them their warning and I am happy for that. Jungguk was about to say something when I hug mom tightly.

"Thank you so much for loving me this much..." My voice muffled but clear to everyone.

"Of course baby, we are your parents." Joonie hyung said that and we are having a family hug.

After the whole incident the twins left for work and I am just resting in my rooms after taking the pain killer Mom gave me. The pain on my lower back slowly fade away.

It is getting bored, all my assignments are done, homework too, its really really boring right now so I decided to visit the twins at their workplace. I asked mom for permission and he let me and dad drop me off.

Its my first time here so, dad walk with me inside since the security look so tight.

"His name is Kim Taehyung, and he is my son. He is to give clearance to enter this company whenever he is here and he can go as high as the president suite. "

It is making me proud when he declare that at the receptionist.

"Go baby, use that special elevator and it will take you to the twins. I got to go okay?"

I nodded and mumble a small thank you to him before I get to the elevator.

The elevator door open and what I saw shocked me, the next thing I know is darkness.

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