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"Welcome back bear!" Mommy Jin greet me with wide smile, owh... I'm so happy to be home... Safe... Yes, I'll be safe here.

Afraid of new people, crowded places, public places or being left alone--are the things that trigger my anxiety and trauma.

I opened my self only to my families and boyfriends but now I didn't talk much. The evil eyes and voice are still haunting me in my head.

I miss my bed, my room, my safe place.

"Baby, are you tired?" Gguk asked me in worry.

"Maybe you should take a rest a bit Love..." Its Kook now.

I never ever will doubt their love for me. The truth is when I woke up the first time at the hospital, I was hoping to see them but when they're not there I just concluded they look at me differently now. Disgusted maybe....

Maybe I'm a burden, maybe they feel disgusted but.... How wrong I was.. And I underestimate their feelings for me.

I know now...
I understand now...
What is their love for me...

I noded and choose to take a nap because I do feel tired even though the journey from hospital only took 20 minutes.

Getting on my bed, Kook hold the blanket for me and I slide in making myself comfortable and I.... Pull on Kook hand as a sign to get on the bed with me and I send a look to Gguk with the same message.

Both of them squeeze in with me in the middle and I feel safe again but whenever I close my eyes, the vision and voices always come back.

"what's worng love?"

I shake my head trying to loose the voice and vision. I tried to focus my mind to Jungguk and Jungkook touch on my body, to listen to their breathing.

It is the same thing every time I tried to close my eyes and I'll end up crying because of the stress and fall asleep when my eyes feel tired form crying.

Always... Everyone will take turn to be with me so I won't be left alone, sometimes I just hate to feel like a burden to everybody but they always said not to as they will want me to do the same when they are in trouble.

It make me feel at ease.

You are the sunlight that rose again in my life
A reincarnation of my childhood dreams
I don't know what these emotions are
Am I still dreaming?

There is a green oasis in the desert
A priori deep inside of me
I'm so happy, I can't breathe
Everything's getting blurry

I hear the ocean from far away
Across the dream, past the woods
I'm following this clarity
Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria

Take my hands now
You are the cause of my euphoria
Close the door now
When I'm with you I'm in utopia...

It's just beautiful...
I never knew my lovers has such wonderful voice. When I heard they sing, I'm shocked and look back and forth to my left and right but then Jungkook, hold my head so I just look up and Jungguk close my eyes with his hands softly.

From that moment on, I forget everything else. My mind focused on their soothing voice and to my surprise nothing came to haunt me to sleep but I just fall asleep calmly and in peace.

No voice, no evil eyes, no bad memories, I fall into deep sleep that I never get since that day.

"Love... Tae... Wake up baby..."

I open my eyes to meet with Jungkook love eyes smiling sweet.

"Wake baby.. Breakfast is ready.."

"Breakfast?" I was confused because as I remember I was only taking a nap after coming back from hospital and I should be having my dinner but Kook said its breakfast.

"Yes love.. Breakfast.. You slept well from yesterday. We tried waking you up for dinner but you won't move."

He chukle.. I know I'm looking stupid right now.

"Go love, clean yourself. We will wait for you at the table. Better be quick, you know your mother right?"

I chukcle at that, finding it funny when all of them are scared of angry mommy Jin.

I get up to do my morning routine get out to put on some casual shirt and short.

I walk out and head to the table and that's when I overheard their conversation that halt my movement.

"Who is the last one to play with Bogum and his father?"

I heard Hobi hyung ask.

"Update... I kill his father, but Bogum is still alive. I put him in the hospital for treatment." Suga hyung said.

Bogum in the hospital? Is he sick? And why are they being nice?

"Tae parents is also in the hospital right? With that bastard?"

My parents too?

"No.. The three of them are discharged last week. Healthy as new." Jimin hyung proudly say.

Right now... I am very confused.

Bogum, my parents and the bastard, I believe is the one who rape me. I hate them all and... I want them dead! Why? Why are they being nice to them?

"you have a beautiful pink hole baby..."

Its a tongue, exploring and licking.. Disgusting...

"Please... Please...please!!! Let me go!" I shouted and scream for help. My weak body tried to fight the bigger man. I struggled and kick the man on the stomach.

He doesn't look please then he slap me so hard that make me felt dizzy and my eyes sees black and white.

Then another hard slap.

"Help... Please....." I begged.

"Be quiet or I do worse...." He said on threatening voice.

My leg give up on me and I feel like jelly to the floor.

I hug my kneese, squeezing my self to be as small as possible and my body start to rock itself and I can't control it.

My vision blurry because all of the tears that wet my face.


"Taebear... Baby what's wrong...."

My breathing beacome fast and suffocating.

"Baby... Calm down love.. Its your Ggukie... You're safe love..."

"Taebear.... Look at me baby.. Bear.. Hear my voice.. Daddy Joonie.. Tae... Listen.... Focus on my voice....you are safe.... I got you.. I protect you... Focus baby... Calm down..... Breath slowly..."

Strangely Dad's voice always manage to calm me. I feel the safest around him.

"Look at me bear...." I look up to meet his soft eyes.

His hands on mine amd and squeeze it a little.

"Remember your promise to trust me whenever."

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