Chapter 38

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While we played games, Asch failed at the game where you knock over pins with a ball. When he couldn't hit the pins, he threw NOI! Ava gasped and ran after him, helping him up and holding hands for a few moments, blushing. Nudging Leif, I gestured towards them blushing and smiling dopely.

We looked at eacother and smirked. Ava and Noi, sitting in a tree- my original train of thought was cut off by Ava trying to explain that the guys where head over heals for her and trying to impress her. Well, she isn't far off.

Sighing, Ava took us near the pumpkin in the center. Ava kept talking about something that I kinda tuned out, the daemos wandered off to who knows where, and got corndogs from what turns out was a little kid. Ava seemed panicked, and Suggested we split up. I think she ate something funny. "Ava I don't think that's a good-" I started, and Asch, Ava and Pierce went one way, and Leif, Noi, Rhys, and I went another.

When we broke away, we stopped near the haunted house, and Rhys tried to insist we stay put, but I tried to persuade him that we can have some fun. Formulating a plan, Leif grabbed Noi and I, walking away quietly, then bolting away, calling back at Rhys. I feel like this will end badly.

When we got a decent distance away, we stopped, and I was panting slightly. "What. The. Hell? I was about to convince him to let us keep playing games." I said, and Leif looked like he realized what he did. Suddenly, we heard yelling behind us. "LEIF, NOI WHEN I GET MY HANDS ON YOU!" Rhys yelled, and I noticed the guys turned pale. "Uh, Leif? If Rhys is really angry-" Noi began, and I cut him off. "We're screwed over?" I finished, and started running again as Rhys came into my line of sight.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now