Chapter 22

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The next day I woke up and Lief had his arms around my waist, fast asleep. I have to say, he looked adorable asleep. Smiling, I watched him until I heard a clicking sound. Turning my head, I saw Ava at the door taking pictures. I also saw the others behind her, and I turned bright red, and buried my face in the pillows, and partially in Leif's chest. At my movement, Leif woke up and when he saw the daemos, and my crimson face, he glared at them, and Ava scurried off, the daemos following suit.

When he turned back to me, he kissed my forehead and got up, and I did the same. "Hey... um, how'd you sleep?" I asked, and he smiled.      "Surprisingly good. It smells like a forest in here. I like it!" He said, "Yeah, I like forests and stuff. Hey does daemos have a lot of them?" I asked, and he nodded. "The forests where endless, the leaves where purple, and the trees had bright lights swirling around them. It was..." He trailed off. "Beautiful." I supplied, and he nodded. "It sounds amazing, I wish I could see it."

"I wish you could too

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"I wish you could too. But you'd be killed. That's the fate that awaits all humans on daemos." He said, and I looked at him. "Maybe I can see it. Come here." I said, holding the side of his head, and putting our foreheads together. Muttering the spell under my breathe, a light filled our eyes and my room turned into a forest.

"This is daemos. How?" Asked Leif, and I smiled. "A spell. It'll last a few minutes, and I get to see daemos without danger, and you can see your home. Its... amazing." I said, and some of the lights he mentioned twirled around us. While we looked in wonder, the spell faded, and we went outside my room, and Ava told me we had to see our parents, so I just put on a longer pair of pants and we went out for the day.

~Leif p.o.v~
When the females left, I was trying to figure out how to how to convince princess Alex to marry me. While I contemplated things she might like, I started to imagine what would happen if we... had kids. Would they look like her or me? Would giving birth to a baby with horns hurt her? While my mind filled with questions, I saw Rhys walk out of the apartment. When I saw him go into the wise sage Mrs. Oats' home, I phased inside, and they didn't see me.

From what I heard, he was trying to figure out how to get one of the princesses. No, he's not getting my Alex! I thought, the protective streak of demos showing. When he left, I went up to the sage, and asked her how to get Alex to marry me.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now