Chapter 40

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Warning, this chapter contains lemon. Skip if you don't like this.

While we walked around the haunted house, I heard sobbing. Following the sound, I saw Lorelai and her boyfriend, Steve. "B-but why?! Why are ylu breaking up with me?!" Lorelai sobbed, and Steve held up his hands. Looking to the left, I was Noi, Ava and Pierce watching scene as well. "I'm sorry Lore, it's just- I have plans for the future." Said Steve, and I faceplates. You never say that when your breaking up with a girl.

"And they don't involve me?!" Lorelai screeched, I winced. "They don't. I'm sorry Lorelai." Steve said, and I'd had enough. I walked up, tapped his shoulder, and punched him between the eyes. I guess I used to much strength, because he knocked out immediately. "Shoot. Hey Lorelei, don't worry about this bastard. Just find someone nice." I said, and she smiled at me. "Hey, what about that white haired guy?" She asked, and I glared. "Sorry Lore, has kinda.... taken." I said, blushing. "Oh! Sorry." She said and I smiled going back to Leif.

When I looked back at Lorelai I saw something glowing behind her. Looking again, I saw Rhys, hos eyes glowing with ice and snow in his hands. L orelai saw, and Leif rushed forward, knocking out Lorelai.

We had a lot of explaining, so we brought loralai out and said she got so scared she fainted, and left Steve in the haunted house. We where outside the fair, with Ava talking to Lorelai. "Why did you do that? I thought you didn't like her?" Asked Asch, and Ava smiled. "Humans can change their minds." Ava said, and we walked home.

I went to my room, with Leif following. I cast another soundproofing spell, and smiled at Leif. He just about pounced on me, pinning me to the bed. He kissed me, and trailed to my neck, where a small dark mark was fading. I felt him lick my neck, and I let out a moan, his hands trailing my sides.

He kept biting, kissing and licking my neck, making me let out whimpers and moans. I was getting impatient, so I started less if with the waistline of Leifs clothes. I felt him smirk, and in two swift motions, he tore off both our clothes. Gasping at the sudden cold air, I wrapped my arms around Leifs shoulders, and he kissed me sweetly.

He rubbed against me, and he groaned, making a shiver run up my spine. He pressed into me, and I gasped. He pulled out, almost completely, and then thrust back in, making me let out a shriek, muffled by my hands. He reached up, and pulled my hands above my head, with one of his holding my waist and the other holding my wrists.

"C'mon, I wanna hear you." He said, his voice rough.

Needless to say, I didn't sleep much.

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