Chapter 21

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Little thing, this chapter has fluff!

Watching my sister's magic spark and become uncontrollable, I walked forward, unafraid of what can happen to me. Grabbing the sides of her head, I looked her in the eyes and the glow in them faded. "Ok. How about we forget this disaster ever happened? Cause I'd sure like to." I said, picking up the glasses and handing them to Rhys, and Ava handed him a ice cream pop. "Ok crisis AVERT-AHHH WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Yelled Ava, and the apartment was a mess.

After the daemos recounted a very, very stupid story, they left us to clean, and while Ava rushed after them, I started picking up books and papers. "This place is a mess, how did we not notice?" I muttered to myself, and Ava came back out with the guys. "Ok, since you guys made this mess, your helping us clean up." Said Ava, and I put the books where they belonged."why? Don't you have servants to do that?" Asked Asch, and I remembered they thought we where princesses. "No, cause we are independent!" I said proudly, when in reality I was struggling to reach the shelves to put the book back.

Seeing my struggle, Pierce came over and put the book up, and I listened in on the conversation, which I had no idea what was you g on

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Seeing my struggle, Pierce came over and put the book up, and I listened in on the conversation, which I had no idea what was you g on. "Customs? Oh! I know!" Said Ava and she went to her room. "What is she doing?" Asch asked me, and I shrugged. When she can back out, she was holding a box and dragging a board behind her. Holding it up, I saw it was a chore chart, and I had a little sticker as well! "Ok, here's how it works, each of you have a slot on the chore chart, and the more you clean, the more stickers you earn, the first person to get there happy kitty stickers get to pick something out of.... the prize box!" Said Ava, and the daemos made a big deal of wanting to know what's inside.

"Well if you wanna know, hurry up, Alex is already ahead of you guys." She said, and I noticed I already had a cute kitty sticker. When the daemos rushed around, I saw Leif.... with a tire on his head. Where the fuck did they get a tire? I thought, and started mopping the kitchen. When we where done, the apartment looked good as new, and Leif was the winner.

When he got the prize, it was a fidget spinner, and the daemos got distracted. They're like cats. Many different kinds, and are easily distracted. Or maybe like many flavors of ice cream. Noi would be peach, Rhys would be a munchy bear pop, Leif would be cookies and cream, since he's my favorite, pierce would be... vanilla? Since he is quite and tame. Princey would be Napoleon ice cream. (The three flavors in one icecream.) Three hours later, I was in my bed reading The Red Pyramid, when Leif phased above me, and threw the book away from me.

"Hey Leif. Did you need something?" I asked, and he shook his head, before wrapping his arms around my waist and said, "I wanted you to tell me I'm better than Asch, and that you don't leave me behind." He said, and I put my hand in his fluffy white hair. "Of course your better than Asch, he's loud and annoying. And why would I leave you?" I asked him, and he got sad. "When I was younger, I lived with other young daemos, without parents, one day we where on a mission, and they left me behind. I was especially close to brother." He said, and I looked at him on my chest.

"I don't leave you behind. Ever. I promise." I said, and kissed his forehead, and he stayed side by side till we fell asleep.

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