Chapter 7

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When they stared at me in shock, Leif appeared in front of me and held his sickles to my throat. "How do you know about that?" Asked Asch, and I smiled. "I do my research, and your pretty bad at keeping secrets." I replied, nudging the blades away from my neck. "Oh? And what's stopping us from killing you and taking the secret to the grave?" Asked Leif and I knocked the sickles away. "A spell. If I die, then the secret is broadcasted to every human in the world, you'll be hunted." I said, and they looked at each other, seeing if I could be trusted.

When Leif phased back to his spot, Noi asked, "So why haven't you told sorceress Ava yet?" And I shrugged. "Its not my place to interfere, as long as Ava is alive and well, it doesn't concern me, and most humans deserve whatever you plan on doing to them. It may seem cold, but it's the truth. Anyway, if I stopped you, a whole world would die off, I can't interfere with something that big." I said, and when they looked at me, I added, "Also if you touch Ava, I will make sure you have a extremely, long, painful death." I said, tiliting my head and smiled, making them pale, just slightly.

Finishing my lunch, I went back to my room, and wondered whay demos was like. Rhys' Crystal seemed oddly familiar. I wonder... looking threw my dresser, I pulled out a lilac necklace with sworling designs, the only thing that was found with Ava and I, and Ava has a pale pink version.

 looking threw my dresser, I pulled out a lilac necklace with sworling designs, the only thing that was found with Ava and I, and Ava has a pale pink version

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Hearing a odd sound behind me, I simply said, " Hello Leif." Before turning to face him. "What's that?" Asked Leif, pointing to the Crystal in my hand. "A necklace. Ava has one too." I said, showing it to him. After studying it for a second, he phased off.

A half hour later, I heard a shriek from outside and I rushed outside, to see Jake pinned beside my room, Leif holding him in place. As if on cue, Ava and Rhys came in the apartment as well, "This human Lord snuck in, what form of betrayal is this?" Asked asch, and Ava stuttered, "i-wait- jake?! What are you doing here?" Asked Ava, and Rhys said, "I was with her the whole time your majesty, she did not once call in reinforcements." And Jake stuttered, looking between all of us. "I- I'm the landlord so when Mrs. Oats told me what happened, I-" he was cut off by Ava, "wait, Mrs. Oats told you-?! Quick, can someone do something with magic to make him forget?" She asked all of us, and I hit him with a frying pan. "Night night Jake!" I said, smiling at the unconcious body.

"Heh. Nice one warrior Alex." Said Leif, and Ava kept panicking. "Uh ok, can you guys help me get him outside? I have a plan!" She said, and Pierce picked her up. "Not me, Jake!" She yelled, and they placed him outside. When he came to, Ava put up this whole story, which I tuned out, and Jake was so confused, I almost laughed. Oh Lord, I'm sadistic sometimes. When Ava dragged me back inside, she went to her room, and I mine. "G'night guys!" I said, waving at them, and smiling.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now