Chapter 14

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Little A/N: I'm going to add extra parts between the episodes of MID so we get more of the daemos.

That night, I was about to go to sleep when a huge clap of thunder came and I heard Ava shriek in her room. Grabbing my pillows, blankets, and some comfort snacks, I went to Avas room for our storm night routine.

Ava was afraid of storms so whenever it had thunder and lightning, I stayed the night in Avas room so she didn't get to scared. When we started setting up, the daemos came in looking panicked. "Princesses! What god was angered?!" Yelled Asch, while more thunder clapped and Noi dove under Avas blankets to hide. "No god was angered... I think. It's a thunder storm, don't you have storms on daemos?" I asked, while Leif sat beside me and Noi poked his head out near where Ava was laying. "No, daemos is very dry, and the weather is mild. We've never had something like this in our world."

When lightning struck outside the window, Ava and the daemos shrieked and I whispered to Ava. "Since we are teaching them about earth, why don't they stay with us during the storm tonight?" I asked, and she nodded and said, "Ok, since it's obvious that you don't like this storm either, do you want to stay with us? Alex and I have a storm routine to keep our mi d of the thunder and lightning." She said, patting the pillows and blankets we spread across the floor. They looked reluctant, but with the next burst of thunder and lightning, they where beside us, and Ava was putting on a movie.

While watching tinker bell and the legend of the neverbeast, Leif hopped onto Avas bed and set his head on my lap, careful not to hurt  me with his horns

While watching tinker bell and the legend of the neverbeast, Leif hopped onto Avas bed and set his head on my lap, careful not to hurt  me with his horns

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While the storm raged on, we got caught up in the movie and I eventually forgot about the storm, until it ended and Rhys asked a question. "Why do you do this?" He asked us, and I shrugged. "Ava doesn't like storms, so we do this every time there is a storm so she doesn't faint or something." I replied, and Ava asked me to get my guitar so we can play a lullabye.

"What's a lullabye?" Asked asch, and Ava explained, "Its a calming song to help people sleep." While I played my guitar, Ava and I sang in unison, and I used magic to show images of when we where little and our dad's sang this song to us. When we finished the daemos where asleep, and Ava and I fell into sleep as well, and I snuggled closer to Leif, who had wrapped his arms around me.

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