Chapter 11

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The next morning, Ava and I where standing beside a very, very old camera. "This is a relic." Said Ava, and the daemos shot out of who-knows-were. "A relic!?" Asked Rhys, "Can it kill someone?" Exclaimed Leif, and I smiled at his kill-happy personality, even though it scares Ava. "Its gonna kill us with how difficult it's gonna be to fix." I said, and Rhys looked curious. He asked, "You can fix a relic?" And we nodded in unison. "Yeah, Mrs Oats is paying us to fix this thing, probably so she can take pictures of you guys." Replied Ava, blowing dust off the camera in into my face, making me sneeze. "Aaaawwwww~ kitten sneeze!" Yelled Ava, holding my face and making me blush and struggle.

When she let go, Rhys asked why we where do I g so many tasks for Mrs. Oats. "Well in her fantasy she thinks your our boyfriend's, and we don't correct her because she's old and close too... death? So if anyone asks just say your our boyfriends." Said Ava, wincing at the word death. "Uh, no Leif cam say has my boyfriend and the rest can say they're your boyfriend Avie, I'm not looking like a harem girl." I said, and we set to fixing the camera with Rhys' help.

Two hours later, we had finished the camera and Noi came over and nudged it, making it fall with a loud crash. Sighing, we picked up the pieces and  went back to work for an hour. This time, Noi stayed away, and when Ava said to move the couch, he picked it up with one arm. The only problem is, I was still on it. When the couch got lifted, I was very surprised and fell off, hitting my shoulder, hard. "OW!" I yelled, sitting up while Leif helped me up and healed my shoulder.

When Noi set the couch down, Ava and I set on it while, for some reason, they stood behind us creepily. When Ava asked why they where standing there, they argued about which was better to sleep, and I heard the door open and our parents came in! When they came in, they saw the daemos and grabbed the both of us holding us close and threatening to call the cops when prince pain in the ass summoned fire. "H-he summoned fire?" Asked my dad, and Ava yelled to knock them out, and while Ava and my dad's where out, I felt panic rise.

"Shit, shit, shit, shit! I can't believe my parents are here, and Avas unconscious and they freaking saw your magic, and WAKE UP MY SISTER BEFORE I HAVE A PANIC ATTACK!" I yelled, feeling a panic attack form already. When Ava woke up, she helped me calm down, rubbing between my shoulder blades and telling me to breathe. When I calmed down, we started to make a plan and we set our parents outside, telling them our parents would kill them if they found them. and when they got up, we told them Ava hit them with the door.

They didn't believe us and rushed into our apartment. "See? No one is-" my sentence was cut short when Leif and Noi rose from behind the couch, and when my parents asked questions they said they where our boyfriend's. After a very awkward conversation, we where outside a pizza place, and Ava was freaking.

"I can't believe it! I can't go on a date, I've never been on one!" She yelled, and I was in the same position, we never had boyfriends. After calming Ava down, she talked to Noi about for while and I thought about going on a actual date with Leif sometime. Feeling something warm and rough on my hand, I looked to see Leif holding my hand, with Noi and Ava doing the same, blushing so much!

 Feeling something warm and rough on my hand, I looked to see Leif holding my hand, with Noi and Ava doing the same, blushing so much!

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"Hehe~ Ava you and Noi are bright red! You should see yourselves in a mirror." I laughed, and Leif chuckled. When they toned down the cherry face, Leif asked how we had two dads. "Oh well, it's simple, my dad's don't like to, uh, court girls, they prefer males. It's called being gay, there is a version where girls like other girls called lesbian." I explained, while Ava nodded along. When our dad's came out and saw us holding hands, they whispered loudly.

When we got inside, we set at a table and our dad's tried to start a conversation. "So how did you all meet?" He asked, and you started telling him about the whole encounter in the alley. Shit.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now