Chapter 15

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The next morning, I woke up, made Ava her breakfast, and decided to work on a dress for my website. In the end, I was very pleased with the design.

 In the end, I was very pleased with the design

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I love the color purple. It is the color of mystery and magic. Putting a picture of the design on my site, I marked it as 15 dollars and turned as Ava came into my room, looking determined. "Alex, get your knives, here exploring the magic-y wall-y thing!" She said, and I smiled at the fact she didn't have a proper name for it yet. Grabbing my weapons, I tucked them into my sleeve so that they can fall into my hands with a flick of the wrist.

Walking through the portal Ava said, "So when we find them, we're going to stab them and demand answers, Alex, your here for backup. Ava isn't playing around this time. Why is Ava speaking in third person?" She asked herself, and I did the same. "Alex doesn't know but it's fun." I said, and we giggled for a second before walking forward.

After a few seconds, we where in the water pool room and Ava got excited, then mad. "C'mon Alex, we let them stay in our house, we deserve this!" She exclaimed, and I used magic to put her in a swim suit, and me in a crop top and shorts. "Oh~ nice one goldy!" She said, running into the water and sitting down. I was more cautious, going close to my sister without touching the water, than hopping onto the ledge she was leaning back on and sitting it, with my feet in the water.

About two minutes  later, the daemos came in. "Princess Ava? Princess Alex?" Asked Pierce, and Ava said "Hi!" Quite cheerfully. The ledge was uncomfortable, so I sat behind it, my head and shoulders showing. "What are you doing in the spell- I mean what are you doing here?" Asked Rhys, and I noticed the odd tint in the water, and the fact it made me feel... funny. What where to about to call it Rhys? I asked in my head, and Ava gave a crack explanation.

"Well at first, I wanted to stab you guys with my stabby pencil and demand answers, so I brought Alex for backup, but then I found your hot tub , and I forgive myself for not asking any questions, then I got made at you guys for not telling me you had and amazing hot tub!" And Noi said, "Hot tub? This is a spell- OW!" He was cut off when he was, none to subtly, punched in the arm."Should they be doing that?" Leif asked, and I wondered why. "C'mon! Join us, let's talk. Ill make a deal, of you let us use your jottub, well anwer any questions you have!" She bargained,and they slowly came into the "hot tub" and sat in a circle.

"So, when you guys first came, you said, 'our world is being threatened by a terrible monster!' But since then, you haven't brought it up, it seems pretty important." Drawing my lips into a thin line, I gave the daemos a look I hoped they recognized as tread lightly so they didn't give something away. "Uh," began Rhys, before Asch butted in. " We know our troops on daemos can handle it." And I nodded to them behind Ava. "Ok... so what do your tattoos mean?" She asked, and I looked between Asch and Pierce, the only ones with visible tattoos. "They mark asch as a secondborn prince and pierce as a former general." Said Rhys, and I put that information  together in my head.

"So Asch has a older brother or sister?" I asked, and they looked at me. "Huh, you know Alex has a tattoo as well, she had it since we where little babies, but we don't know where she got it or what it means. It's on her shoulder blade." Said Ava, and I turned so they could we it.

" Said Ava, and I turned so they could we it

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"Odd... it almost looks.... no it couldn't be." Said Rhys, "Why are you guys" Asked Ava, and they made noises of confusion. "What do you mean?"

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now