chapter 2

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"What the hell do you guys want?"

That was the question that slipped through Avas lips before she could filter it, but instead of looking offended, the demons looked confused. "We are called daemos, as is our worl-" his sentence was cut off by Ava, who semed very confused. " Your named deamos?" She asked, and Rhys tried to explain. "No we are deamos-" "Your all named deamos?" Ok, this is interesting "No I am Rhys." Again ava opened her mouth. "Your world is-" this time I cut her off by putting a cookie in her mouth. "Ava, sis, their world and species are called daemos, and his name is Rhys. And your a moron sometimes." I explained to her, and Rhys nodded at me. "Thank you, anyway our world is... um being destroyed by a... terrible monster who threatens to destroy everything we love." Said Rhys, and pastel said, "Wait that's not- OW" he stopped speaking when snow white hit him, and I narrowed my eyes, causing them both to stiffen.

To me, it was obvious that they where lying, but somehow Ava believed it. "So what do you want with this world?" I asked, going along with things for now. "We are... seeing if it is suitable... to move our people here!" Said Rhys, and Ava echoed him. "Move your people here?" And pastel and snowy let out a breath when I finally looked away. "Yes, so please, will two powerful sorcerers such as yourselves help us?" Asked Rhys, bowing, and the others, minus prince pain in the neck, followed suit. Even Johnny did a cute little cat bow.

When Ava blushed, she said something about needing a minute, and dragged me off into the bathroom. "Ok, this is a dream, right? Some sexy dream, that is weird and oddly informative." Said Ava, freaking out. "It's not a dream Ava, dreams can't lift you or tie you up." I said and she kept freaking out. "O k, maybe they're illusions or maybe even drones, there is no way they're real demons." Those can't tie someone up either. "Daemos." I corrected, and she continued like I hadn't said anything.

"There is no way is hel-heck that we've been good enough for god to drop five hot demons at our door. Wait, what if it wasn't god? They're demons... it was!" Ava gasped, with a terrified look on her face. Satan, Lucifer, the devil? I thought, and she said, "Wait I have an idea, let's go!" And pulled me again. When we got out the door, the daemos where waiting in a semi circle, creepy. "Ok, so we know just the people who can help you." Said Ava, and I was curious as to where this was going.

"Other humans?" Asked snow white, and Ava nodded, "Ok, human but don't forget I have your source of power." He said, holding up the bra. "Yes, let us take you to... THE GOVERNMENT!" Exclaimed Ava, spreading her arms theatrically when we got to the building. "Just go in there and people can answer for questions and help you." Said Ava, and I got the feeling something would go wrong.

When Ava ran off, I stayed behind to make sure it went ok. While I watched them climb up the steps, a cop stopped them before they could enter, and after a few minutes of argument, Princey lifted him up by his throat, and he screamed. Shit! I thought, and went up after them. When I got up there, I punched prince in the gut and he dropped  the policeman. "You idiot! Of you kill him  a hundred more will take his place, now follow me!" I yelled, and took off.

When we got back to the apartment, Ava was lying on the couch, " Why did you bring them back Alex?" She asked, and I leaned against a wall. "They almost suffocated a policeman." I said, and she saw my point. " So you guys really are demons." "Deamos." Corrected Rhys, and ava just shrugged it off. "And you don't have a place to stay?" Asked ava, an pastel took his turn. "We don't have a home on earf yet." And ava sighed and continued, "whatever, you guys can crash here tonight." And princey smirked and replied, "We where going to take no for a answer, you or our prisoners, and will do as we command." And I glared at him.

"Get your manners in check, or I throw you out the window." I threatened, and he seemed surprised."Whatever, there are blanket I  the closet, don't wake me up, and don't go in our rooms." Said Ava, heading towards her bedroom. "Claus-it?" Asked pastel, and I got the blankets out for them. "And if I wake up, and either of us are murdered in the morning, I will haunt you all forever!" Said Ava, and I went to my room, while they had another idiot discussion.

"Ok, think Alex. You dont know anything about these guys, so let's do some research." I said to myself, unplugging my tablet, and searching daemos on Google. "Lets see what your lying about..."

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now