Chapter 41

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I woke up the next day, sore and tired, but I got up and looked to my side, seeing Leif sleep peacefully. I took a deep breathe and smiled, remembering the events from last night. I looked at my sleeping boy- no fiance considering the ring still around my neck.

I slipped off the chain and looked at the ring, the gemstones sparkling. I slipped it off the chain and onto my finger, deciding today was the day I'd tell Ava Leif and I where engaged. I remembered that Ava was taking the guys somewhere today, so I crawled out of bed and started changing. While I was slipping my hoodie on, I felt Leif grab my hand.

He pulled it towards him, and looked at the ring. He looked at me, raising and eyebrow. "I want to tell Ava today." I said, guessing what the gesture meant. "Ok Love." Said my lover, and he nuzzled my neck. I put on my shirt, and Leif put on his clothes. We went out, and Ava was yelling at the guys for using magic in public. "You don't get it! If they find out you guys exist they will take you guys away from us!" She exclaimed, and started crying.

I noticed, and she stormed off. "She's right you know. If they find you guys, they will kill one of you just to cut you open and study your organs. They won't care that your people, they'll just care that your not human, and you'll die for it. They'll probably kill Ava and I as well, since we know you guys exist. They won't care about rankings, our your world. They won't care about you." I said, and sighed.

Ava went out to take the trash down, and a few minutes later, she came back with a guy with a green eye, black hair, and a scar over one eye. I sensed magic radiating off him, and I backed into Leif, and he was glaring at the new person. Ava went to get her phone charger, and I kept my hands on my knifes, hidden in my hoodie pockets.

I watched his every move, but when Ava came back with sandwiches, "Zex" as he was called phased behind Ava. "Ava!" I shrieked, and growled. The daemos demanded that Ava was released, and called her "princess." Zex responded by laughing, and explained about how daemos use human souls, and Ava began crying. The daemos  looked down, and Zex dropped a potion, but not before I could use illusion magic to make it seem like Ava had horns, and forge a empathy link. Now, Ava would be safe, and I could speak through her mind, and vice versa.

There was a blinding light, and we woke in a clearing. Looking around, I didn't see my sister. I was a few feet away from the daemos, under a bush. I stayed hidden, and when Zex phased away, I crawled out of my hiding place. "Alex... I forgot." Rhys said, looking at my head. I tucked hair behind my ears and felt something stiff. "Oh yeah.... I almost forgot about these." I said, and the daemos nodded. "We must find Princess Ava!" Noi called, and I nodded. "Lets go find my sister!" I said, slipping a positive pregnancy test in my backpack.

I'll find you Ava, I swear, and you'll get to meet your dad little baby.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now