Chapter 1

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Warning: This story has harsh language.

On what seemed like a normal day on earth, two sisters where in a apartment, the shorter making breakfast for her sister. When the pink eyed twin came out, I handed Ava her eggs and she smiled at me. "Thanks Alex, you make the best food." Said Ava, and I smiled, showing teeth. "Its your turn to take out the trash, and don't forget about your interview Ava." When my sister left, I put the dishes away and waited for her return. When I got bored of reading, I went to my room to make outfits for my website/job.

Round lunch time, I was in the kitchen when the door opened and I heard multiple voices, I thought someone was breaking in, so I grabbed knives and waited. When the intruders came into sight, I saw that they where wearing cosplay outfits, but Ava was uconscious in the arms of a blue horned one. When I saw my sister unconscious, I rammed into a green one, and he hit the wall with a thud. When the others retaliated, I blocked daggers and a sword, and I was very, very glad I took sword fighting lessons when I was younger.

When I kicked a black clothed one, I felt a sharp pain in my neck and I fell unconscious along with my sister.

I woke up when someone started shaking me, and I saw Ava with a scared look in her eyes, and a finger signaling for me to be quiet. While we tried to sneak out, a pastel haired demon on the ground yelled, "The humans are escaping!" And like they heard a gunshot, three more came out of various rooms, and ava and I ran back to the kitchen. When we got weapons, I saw that, instead of getting a knife or something, Ava grabbed a frying pan. What are you gonna rapunzel our way out? I thought, and a green one yelled "A weapon!" And a light blue boy came out brandishing a  sword. "B-back off or I will, he-heck and scream!" Threatened Ava, and the green one just smirked and said, "wouldnt be the first time i made a human female scream." He said, and the purple one and I glared at him. "HOLD YOUR TOUNGE!" we yelled at him in unison, and his smirk faded. "You know what I mean!"

Seeming to calm down, dark purple demon put his staff away. Where did he put it? It was as tall as him! I thought, and he put his hands up in front of him. "Please, we don't mean any harm." He said, and the light blue one looked confused. "I thought we meant all the harm?" He asked, and I missed at him, baring my teeth. "Asch isn't here." He said through gritted teeth, and ava said, "I saw you do magic power stuff! Are you the devils servants?!" She yelled, and I nudged her. "Ava, did you forget what I can do?" While I mocked a hurt expression, the green one said, "the devil?" And the purple boy replied, "She meams a demon." And a fifth voice rang out. "I'VE UNCOVERED IT!"  When he came out of Avas room, and said, "These humans are sorceresses, but I've uncovered their source of power."

When he finished, he pulled out... a bra. "Woah... what is that?" Said the pastel one, and the white horned one handed purple horns a magazine. "Rhys, look at this!" He yelled, and the dark skined one got curious. "Fasinating, this appears to be a combat guide, it shows human females in battle wearing these very garments." And the green one added his two cents. "That doesn't look like any combat I've seen." And I turned to my taller sister. "Ava, now would be a good time to bail!" I whisper-yelled and she threw the frying pan, hitting the white horned one, while I threw the knife, pinning the green one to a wall by his shirt. 

When we took of running, the blue one chased after us and picked us up. When Ava began screaming, and I kicked and thrashed in his grip. While Ava screamed, he put his hand over her mouth, and wrapped his arm around me, stopping most of my struggle. When he covered my mouth as well, I bit him and he dropped me.

When I landed on all fours I whipped around, knocking him off his feet before running out. When I got caught again, they tied me to the island and Johnny came over, when he did, the demons looked at him in shock as he rubbed against my legs and face. "Interesting, the spirit seems to like these humans." Said the light blue one, and DAMN was his voice deep. While Ava screamed for about three hours, I fell asleep at some point and was awakened by the green one poking me with his sickle blades. "Stop it, or I will take those blades, and shove them down your throat, demon." I said and he looked at me with admiration.

After 20 minutes of watching the demons, the one with the ring on his horn sat up and said, "Just kill her already!" And that set of multiple reactions. After a while I got bored and decided to make a deal. "Look, it's clear you don't like Ava screaming for so long, and you need information, if you untie me, I can make her stop screaming, and we can figure something out." I offered, and they conversed with each other. Finally, the sent the pastel one over and he untied me, once my wrists where free, I rubbed them to get the bloodflow back.

Walking back to my sister, still in the arms of blueberry, I tilted my head. "Ava, AVA" I yelled, snapping my fingers in her face, and she calmed down. "Why didn't you do that sooner?" Said pastel, and I shrugged. "Earlier I wasn't annoyed. Now I am." I said, and they dropped Ava, and patted her head.

"What the hell do you guys want?"

New cover done by RayePlaez, and it is AWESOME! Thank you Raye!

New cover done by RayePlaez, and it is AWESOME! Thank you Raye!

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