Chapter 27

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When Lorelai tried to drag us, I dug my heels into the ground, and kept still. "How is it so impossible to pull you!?" She exclaimed, and I pulled my hand away, causing Lorealie to fall. Laughing, I planted my feet, and she walked away, pulling a struggling Ava with her.

"Why does it seem like you don't like Lorelei?" Asked Noi, and I deadpanned. "We don't. She is very annoying." I said, and L orelai the extremely annoying came back, without my sisyer. "Loralai.... where. Is. Ava?" I asked, and she smiled. "Don't worry bestie! She is in the bathroom." She said, smiling. "First off, don't call me bestie, I can't stand you, second, go get my sister, or I throw you. You know as well as I do what kind of creeps can be here."

With that threat in mind, I pushed her in the direction of the bathroom. "No, you do it." She said, nd I glared at her. Pulling her close I whispered, "I don't know what you are planning, but stay away from Leif. He is mine, and if you try anything I will make sure you suffer." I said, and went to find Ava.

When I did find my sister, she was in a corner with a disgusted expression, and a guy trying to flirt with her. "C mon baby girl, just come check out my place." He said, and I tapped his shoulder. "Don't flirt with my sister." I said when he turned. "Well, both of you could come with me." He said, and I punched him. "Let's go Ava." I said, walking away.

When we got back to the guys, they where smiling stupidly and I punched Lorelai in the arm. "Owie! What was that for?" She asked, and I glared at her. "Some creep tried to flirt with Ava." I said, and she turned to my sister. "Sorry Ava." She said, and we want into the theater.

While we watched the movie, the daemos kept talking and making noise. When we got kicked out, Ava and I smiled at the guys, but that looked scared. "Thank you! I didn't want to go out today, and I know Lorelei would have asked us to go get food, and ask how things have been and, ugh, just. Thanks." Said Ava, and Noi asked, "What about the kiss?" "What?" Ava and I asked in unison. "Lorelai said a kiss meant a date." Explained Rhys, and Asch yelled, "Forget about the kiss, what about the marriage?" He yelled, and Ava kissed his cheek, along with Noi, Pierce, and Rhys.

Rolling my eyes, I kissed Leif on the cheek and went to take a bath.

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