Chapter 17

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About an hour after I fell asleep, I was woken up by yelling in the living room. Stumbling out of bed, I ran my hands through hair, but instead of the usual feeling, I felt something cold and rough, yet surprisingly smooth. What? Are these.... No! It's not possible. Going into my bathroom, I saw two pale purple horns. What? What the fuck, how? ... the water! That was a spell mixing thing! Ah... What do the daemos do to hide their horns? Bringing my hands to the sides of my... horns, I flicked my wrist and with a small glow, the horns faded. Ok. Defiantly not telling anyone about this.... well maybe Leif, or Ava.

Going outside, I saw the daemos in a circle yelling, and I saw Avas dark hair peaking out from the couch. They yelled something about her being dead, so I put two fingers on her neck and said, "She's not dead, just unconscious." And they jumped and turned to me. "She's not dead?" Asked Noi, and Ava coughed, LOUDLY. "She's alive!" Said Noi excitedly and I nodded. "Hey Noi, can you help me get Ava to her room? If we let her rest she will get better faster." I said, and he picked up my sister.

Taking her to her room, I pulled a blanket over her and set a ice pack on her forehead. "We can check on her in the morning, until then, e'll me what happened, or so help me, one of you will disapear." I said, and they took me to the living room to tell me what happened.

Fifteen minutes later, I was pinching the bridge of my nose. "Leif, why did you want to kill my sister?! And why didn't you check her for a pulse before panicking, and Noi, it was nice of you to want to help her, but you can't just kidnap a sleeping lady!" I Said, frustrated about the whole thing. When you and lies muttered their apologies, I sighed and got up. "Ok. Ok, we'll check on her in the morning ok? For now, let's try to sleep, if we are tired and she's still sick, there is a higher chance on of us get sick from her." I said, and went back to my room to try and get a bit more sleep.

"SHE'S NOT BETTER!" Yelled Noi, and I covered my ears, "Ok, Noi don't break our eardrums. Can you get a few towels and a bowl of cold water? Rhys in the kitchen cabinet there is a little white bottle with a label that says Nyquil. It'll help Ava get better." I said, showing of my experience with helping Ava and our dad's when they got sick. When the two daemos hurried out to get what I told them, he other three looked at me. "I'm going to get Mrs. Oats, you guys, come get me if something happens to Ava. Pierce  when Noi and Rhys get the things, soak one of the towels in the water and put it on her forehead, and open the bottle of Nyquil and give Ava one of the pills. This might take a few minutes."

Going down a flight of stairs, I stopped in front of the familiar door of Mrs. Oats apartment. Knocking on the door, Mrs. Oats answered quickly "Oh hello deary, how are you?" Said the kind lady, and I smiled at her. "I'm fine Mrs. Oats, but Ava is sick, and they guys who are staying with us don't know how to take care of a sick woman. I know you used to be a nurse, so... could you maybe help?" I asked her, pulling my fingers with worry showing in my voice.

"Oh of course deary, of it morning sickness or...?" Asked the elderly, and I held up my hands. "No, no! I can assure you Ava and I are still virgins! Ava doesn't even have a boyfriend." I said, and she frowned. "Well then, let's go take care of the poor girl." Said Mrs. Oats, and we used the stairs since the elevator is slow as hell.

When we got back to the apartment, Mrs. Oats rushed to Avas room and took Avas temperature. "Oh my, this girl has a fever! Alex, you did the right thing coming to get me, if she got any worse she would have to be taken to the hospital." She said, and I turned pale. "What?! It's that bad?" I shrieked, and she told me to calm down before I had a panic attack. "Hm.... I'm going to go get something from my apartment, I'll be back in a minute." She said, and rushed out.

While she was gone, I paced back and forth at the end of Avas bed. Leif tried healing magic, but I shook my head. "For some reason healing magic doesn't work on Ava. Believe me I've tried." I said, and Mrs. Oats came back holding a cook book. The guys whispered something as she searched through the kitchen. "Oh my, how do you keep yourselves fed?" She asked, and went over to us. "Alex, dear, can you take a few of your friends to the store and get me some ingredients, here is the cook book. You-" she said, turn g to Noi, "- stay here and help me take care of Ava will you?" She said, smiling sweetly.

"Ok Mrs. Oats, the rest of you, C'mon w have to get this stuff." I said, looking at the recipe.

When we got to the street, the guys where talking about something stupid while I gazed at the apartment window, wondering what was happening to my sister. When a scream echoed from the window, Asch said "it seems like Noi is already a step ahead of us." And we went to the grocery store. I get the feeling somethings gonna go bad.

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