Chapter 9

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Shaking my head, I went back outside to see Ava taking pictures of the daemos. "Uh, A-berry? What are you doin?" I asked, and she turned to me. "I'm taking pictures because the people on the internet like it, and are liking the pictures. I'm gonna get famous fast." Said my sister, and I smiled at her bluntness. Why do I get the feeling this'll come back to bite her somehow?

Coming over, I helped Ava with lighting, poses, and expressions. Even though I was camera shy, I took photography class in high school. Irony is sweet. After a full day of pictures and laughing at the funny faces, Ava was telling them who was in the lead, Asch, and leof got angry and jumped out the window with me!? Shit, shit, shit! I swore in my head as I gripped his arm tightly.

When we landed, I heard a group of children scream and scatter, and Leif ran with me, and set me down next to a fountain. "What the hell are you doing?" I asked him angrily, and he looked shocked that I raised my voice. "I need you to help me get more human likes than Asch." Said Leif, and handed me Ava's phone. Well now I can't even call her. I thought and grabbed a Starbucks cup.

"Here. Pretend to drink it over by the fountain. It's so cheesy that no one will be able to resist." I said, and he did that, doing a hot- I mean cheesy pose! Hehe, the humans will love this. After taking and posting the picture, I heard annoyingly familiar voices.

Come on, where gonna be late for the movie!" Yelled Kristin, and I pulled Leif into the bushes, knowing they'd question his horns, clothes and our relationship, 'cause they are douches. "Who are those humans?" Asked Leif, and I shrunk into the bushes, putting my head between my knees. "They are humans who prey on the emotions and self confidence of others, because They are weak and cruel." I said, sitting on my thighs.  "Do you want me to kill those humans for you? It might help you stop making that face." Said Leif, and I looked at him.

"That's sweet, but they're just weak humans who make people feel bad. But believe me, I've imagined hurting them alot." I replied, smiling at him, as I heard them walk away. "Quit making that face. It doesn't look pretty like your normal one, I don't like it." He said, holding the sides of my head. "P-pretty? You think im..." I trailed off, getting lost in my thoughts. The demon assassin thinks I'm pretty. The hot demon assassin.

"Well yeah, your a nice looking human. Plus your eyes are a pretty color." He said, and I blushed, and leaned forward, kissing him. What am I doing? What am I doing?! WHAT AM I DOING?!

When I felt him kiss back, he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I in turn wrapped mine around his neck

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When I felt him kiss back, he pulled me into his lap and wrapped his arms around my waist, and I in turn wrapped mine around his neck.when we pulled apart for breathe, he smirked at me and I blushed. I just kissed a demon. Wow!

"Uh, c'mon let's go back to the apartment, Ava's probably worried sick." I said, and he jetted me over his shoulder again, and ran back into the apartment, setting me down gently on the floor, and I smiled before noticing my sister wasn't there. "Uh where are they?" I asked him, and he shrugged. "I don't know, but cam we caress again?" Said Leif, and I nodded shyly before he dragged me to my room.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now