Chapter 13

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When Ava fainted, we told the boys to go outside.

~Leif p.o.v~
When princess Alex said to go outside, I saw anger flash in her eyes and we complied. "What possessed you to interfere?" Yelled Asch, and they looked at each other. "It was a chance to court a princess, how do you expect us to react?" Said pierce and t hay was the most I heard him talk since we came to ear-f.(hehe, it was fun to write that for some reason.) "I have to admit I didn't see it coming, why do you think they kept it from us?" Asked Rhys, and Noi, very surprisingly, yelled put, "Why are you intruding on our mission?!"

"I agree, we had a chance to get close to them and you intruded." I said, and Asch laughed, "How long do you think it was going to last? They are sorceress princesses and you are a magicless daemos and a former Assassin. Why would they court you?" Said Asch, and I felt a flash of anger. "I'll have you know that Alex actually likes me!" I yelled, and Alex came rushing out. When she turned to the daemos who appeared during the "date" no one could mistake the anger radiating off her.

"What the hell where you three thinking? I had a feeling you guys where there, but why did you interrupt, my parents are so curious and confused, if they didn't know better, you three would be dead by now! I expected Asch to mess something up when I felt your presence, but why did you two interrupt? I thought you two where reasonable!" She yelled, and instead of sparks of her normal gold magic, it was a deep blood red.

Setting my hand on her shoulder, she turned and I saw the anger fade when she saw me. She took deep breaths, and the magic sparks shied away, till she was calm again. Huh, I'm surprised I was able to calm her down, most people get angrier around me.

~Alex p

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~Alex p.o.v.~
When Leif put his hand on my shoulder and calmed down, I turned to Pierce and Rhys, "Sorry I snapped at you two, I'm guessing you where try I g to fix any damage Asch might have done. As for you," I said, turning to princey, "You shouldn't have interrupted, my dad can have you put in prison." I said, and he paled slightly. Turning back to the daemos who went on the date with us, "You guys did great by the way!" I yelled, smiling at them.

"How is Ava?" Asked Noi, and I saw he actually cared about my sister. "She's fine Noi, she woke up, and my dads are trying to figure out who you guys are." I replied, and I heard the door open and my family came out of the pizza shop. "Play it cool, don't ask questions." I whispered, and they nodded. "Ok so who are-" my dad started, only to be cut off by Pierce. "I would like for Avas hand in marriage." Wait what? "No, I'm marrying the princess." Yelled Noi, and I felt arms wrap around my waist. Turning my head, I saw familiar teal eyes. "If you want strong offspring, I'd sugest-" Pierce, once again, cut him off, "Me for Ava."

"What does offspring mean?" Asked my sister, and my dad covered her ears. "I've always wanted to be a grandpa!" Said my pop, and I pushed myself closer to Leif. Maybe if things work out, you will be. I thought, smiling at the thought. When we went back to the apartment, Ava lied on the bed and my dad's talked to us for a bit, before they went outside to talk to the guys.

~back to Leif~
When Ava and Alex's parents came out, they started off calmly, "Ok, listen up, we better not hear that your messing with our babies, or we'll.. Uh we'll," the blonde one started, and the white haired one helped out, "we'll unleash a unspeakable wrath upon you!" And Noi whispered, "We've angered them." And I felt my mates presence in the room. "Your not scaring them, are you?" She said, crossing her arms and looking at her father's. "No, no just laying down the law for these boys." Said her father, before turning back to us. We looked to her for help, but she help up her hands and walked away. "Karma..." she whispered, glaring at Asch.

"Ok, first off, no selling the weed, our daughters are not to be exposed to that kind of stuff." Said the blonde one, Devon, I think, and then the white haired one, Andrew? Continued, "and please still be friends with them, even if they choose some of you. Seeing you all here, in their apartment is nice." He smiled at us, and Devon got a wistful look, "Yeah, she thought they where alone, they never got along with the other kids when they where little." Alone? Alex didn't have anyone to look out for her or protect her? Looking at the gold eyed beauty, she had a shadow over her eyes, and I could tell she was remembering when she was...alone.

Just that thought made me feel angry.

~Alex p.o.v.~
Watching my dads and the daemos, I heard them mention when we where younger, and when they finished, Ava and I walked them out of the apartment and they kissed our forheads, and when Mrs. Oats came by, I decided to go and avoid a train wreck. Marching into my room, I jumped onto onto my bed, wanting to sleep but I felt a weight on me. Opening my eyes, I saw fluffy white hair and he smiled at me. "Why where you alone?" He asked me, and I shrugged. "People just didn't like us." I said, and the daemos said, "I like you." And leaned forward and kissed me sweetly.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now