Chapter 33

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When Leif finished his bath, he put on his human clothes and I carefully shaved his beard, since he didn't know how a razor worked. When I finished I kissed him on the cheek and found out Ava had to bathe Rhys and Noi as well. Laughing at the image of my sister bathing four guys, I took Leifs hand and led him out the door. Ava made the mistake of using the elevator, but Leif and I used the stairs, so we had to wait about five minutes before they showed up.

When we got to the fall festival, Ava immediately ran around, excited, and got us tickets. Then she ran to get a pink balloon. While Ava ran around looking at everything, I took it upon myself to explain the fall festival.

"So it is a way humans celebrate the changing of the seasons. When it is Fall or Autumn, the weather gets colder and the leaves turn red, yellow, orange, all kinds of colors and fall of the trees, thus the name. Fall is also when humans tend to collect the food they have been growing during spring and summer and put it in storage for winter, the coldest season of the year." I said, and they looked curious.

"Fascinating. So Autumn is the harvest season, and humans celebrate that with a festival like this?" Asked Rhys, and I nodded.

"Yeah, Ava and I used to come with our dad's every year. Autumn is our favorite season. Cause it's not too hot, not too cold, and not very rainy. Plus the leaves turn pretty colors." I said, picking up a red and orange leaf.

Just then, Ava decided to come back with a hot pink balloon. Not gonna lie the daemos asked if they could eat it.

This should be interesting.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now