Chapter 6

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While tension where high, I tightened my grip on my knives, ready to help my sister, and the knights looked between Asch and Ava nervously. He makes a move, and I slash his neck. Just when I was about to jump in, something else jumped in. We all stared at the shadow that had knocked Ava and Asch away from each other, and the shadows got sucked in, forming a galaxy cloud cat. "Another spirit?!" Asked Pierce, and Ava stared at the pretty kitty in shock. Hehe pretty kitty. Oh I could be stupid at times. While I laughed at my own mind, Johnny lept down and they hissed and swatted their paws at eachother. "Fascinating, this spirit looks like one on earth, while the other looks like one from demos." Said Rhys, squinting. "Uh, when you say spirit, you mean cat, right?" Asked Ava, and Rhys looked at her. "Cat?" He asked, and Ava got up.

"Yeah, like Johnny's a cat, and this new cats a cat." Huh. "We call them spirits on demos. Hey usually find to a person and act as a guardian." Said Rhys, and Leif said, "I've seen this kind of spirit before, but they're very rare." And I crouched down to pet both cats. Oh~they're both so soft.

When I retracted my hands, the cloud cat walked away and sat in front of Asch, mewing happily at him. When Noi gasped, he asked, "Does the spirit know Asch?" And prince pain in the neck himself said, "I-i've never seen this spirit before in my life." He said, looking at the kitten at his feet. "Interesting, it seems to like prince Asch." Said Rhys, and he got angry. "I SAID I DONT KNOW IT!" He yelled, and Ava was out of her shocked state. "Don't yell at that cute kitty Asch." Said Ava, and he looked shocked.

"Y-you said my name. Heh, i've never heard a human say my name before." The fuck does that mean? "What?" Asked Ava, and Rhys interrupted. "Hey, since tensions are calm now, how about you try and get your human clothes on." And I could tell he was trying to keep something. Emphasis on trying. "Human clothes? Oh, I still have to get clothes on to deliver Mrs. Oats' gift. " said Ava, and walked to her room in only a towel. "Can I watch how you do it?" Asked Leif, and Ava turned on a dime. "No!" She yelled, and slammed her door shut. Shit Ava, your gonna make us go deaf.

When she came back out, she looked at the guys and said, "Rhys since you got your human clothes on first you can come with me." And Arch yelled, "You don't tell my men what to do, I do!" And Ava turned to him angrily. "Look, you want to learn about humans, right? Then let me help you, I'm done fighting this." And Asch looked shocked she spoke back at him. "While we're gone, see if you cam figure out your human clothes." She said, and left.

When Ava left, I went back to m room and worked in making a floral print jumper, a red dress, and some more. When I came out for lunch, I realized we hadn't given them any food, so I made some casedillas and served them to the daemos, who poked at them before I took a bite of mine.

 When I came out for lunch, I realized we hadn't given them any food, so I made some casedillas and served them to the daemos, who poked at them before I took a bite of mine

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Surprisingly, Leif was the first one to took a bite, before eating it quickly. "Careful Leif, it's a bad idea to eat to fast." I said, and the others started eating theirs. "So how long till Ava finds out about the souls, you think?" I asked, and they stared at me in shock.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now