Chapter 16

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"Why are you guys"

I swear this girl has no filter. I thought as the daemos stared at my sister sitting in the oddly tinted water. "What do you mean?" Asked Noi, and once again, I hoped my expression told them to be careful. "Well, you guys just act weird about stuff that's normal for us." Said Ava, and I sighed. "They're from another freaking world Ava! What do you expect?" I asked, and she whispered to me, "For them to be smarter." Apparently daemos hearing is pretty good. "What does that mean  prisoner?" Yelled Prince Asch, summoning fire to burn my sister. No. No one. touches. My. SISTER!

Feeling a rush of adrenaline, I formed gold binds around Aschs' body, and the ice formed, at his ankles at first, then rose up, till it was his waist before he noticed. When I spoke, my voice echoed and radiated anger. "Don't touch Ava. EVER!" I yelled, pulling water from the hot tub to make the ice grow.

"Alex, ALEX! Calm down, it's ok, I'm ok!" Said Ava, putting her hands between my shoulder blade

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"Alex, ALEX! Calm down, it's ok, I'm ok!" Said Ava, putting her hands between my shoulder blade. "Now, free the annoying prince, no one got hurt." She said, and slowly, the ice melted and the bonds disappeared. "So.... Noi, Leif,  how did you like Pizza?" Asked Ava, and I saw stars in Noi's eyes. "Its was amazing! I'd like it again please!" Said the pastel haired Daemos, and Rhys got curious. "Pizza? Is that like.. Ice cream?" And Ava scoffed.

"Pizza is better than ice cream." She said, and I felt the room chill. Oh crap. I thought, as Rhys yelled, "Impossible! I will not have this treason speak!" At that, Ava and I exchanged a look. "Treason speak? I can give you ten reasons why pizza is better than ice cream. Reason one, pizz- ACK!" Ava was cut off when she tripped over... something, and landed face first in the water.

Replaying that image in my head a bit, I burst out laughing, along with Asch, and the daemos guards looked surprised at Asch' laugh. When Ava got up, she splashed water on prince pain in the- I mean Asch, and I held my sides as the guards began to laugh as well. "Its only befitting as Ava and Alex are princesses, but I do have a question." Said Rhys, and I said, "Yeah?" And Rhys asked us, "Alex doesn't sound like a name for a... I mean, it sounds more like a males name." I didn't take offense, I was used to people say in Alex wasn't a feminine name.

"Well my full name is Alexis, people just call me Alex because it's shorter." I said, and Asch butted in. "What are we doing? We're just sitting here talking." And Ava exclaimed, "what do you mean? It's what friends- uh." At the word friends, Ava and I froze, and I turned away from the daemos, my back on the ledge Ava had been leaning on this entire time, as I felt light tears run down my face. We've never had friends. I realized, and Noi asked if we where ok.

"Whatever, it is time for my knights and I to retire for the night." Said Asch, walking off, with Rhys excusing himself to follow, before Leif sat beside me for a second and kissed my cheek, before phasing away. "How does he do that?" Asked Ava, and I shrugged. "I don't know, anyway, I hope we can go on a date again soon, I really enjoyed what we did." Said Noi, before walking off. "You aren't leaving?" Ava asked Pierce, and he said, "I will escort you out when it is time." He said, and Ava smiled at him. "Well, your gonna wait a while, cause I live for hot tubs!" She exclaimed, and I got up, "Well, I'm gonna go to bed good night Ava, good night Pierce." I said, nodding to each of them in turn.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now