Chapter 19

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The next day, I had spent the night in Avas room in case she needed anything, so when she got up, I did since I was a lighter sleeper than Ava and was up before her. My protective instincts where still strong so I had tried to guard her. When the daemos rushed in, Asch yelled if she was better yet, and Noi said "Ava and Mrs. Oats said it would take Ava a few suns to get better." And asch, once again, yelled " I'M TIRED OF WAITING! SHE'S TAKING FOREVER TO RECOVER!" And Ava said, "Yeah no thanks to Leif." And I remembered. "Oh yeah." And I looked at the green horned man. "What did you do!?" Asked the annoying prince, and Leif smirked. "I kept them busy last night."

Oh god that sounds wrong. I thought, as Ava explained how Leif came in and poked us with his sickles to "make sure we don't die". As she explained, he began poking the side of Avas head. "Oh uh- oops." He said, putting how weapons away. Asch yelled something I didn't quite hear, but Noi asked if she was better yet, and Ava said she was, with gratitude in her voice. "Oh- uh- Yes- heh." Wow, Noi is falling hard for Ava.

"Where's Rhys?" I asked, and Asch yelled for him making him rushed through the doors. "I'M HERE! AND I AM ALIVE!" He yelled, ecstatic. "You have glasses?" Asked Ava, blushing lightly. Without answering, he rushed over and grabbed my sister's hands in his. "Why are you holding her hands?" You and I asked in unison, and Rhys ignored us. "Princess Ava.... I can see your face clearly!" He yelled, stars in his eyes. Leaning to my sister I whispered to her, "someone's love struck for you Ava~" I said, and giggled as she blushed bright red and pushed me.

Rhys apparently didn't hear, so he continued. "The wise sage Mrs. Oats bestowed them upon me, at first I assumed she cast a spell on me, but these last so long as they are on my face!" He yelled, and I smiled. I rememeber when I was little and needed glasses, before I got lenses. Now that I think about is, I could have used them to make my eye color normal. Whatever, I like that my eyes are gold.

"Yeah, that's how glasses work. Alex used to use them before she got contact lenses." Said Ava, and he turned to me making the peace sign with my fingers. "Really? Let me see!" Said Noi, trying on the glasses. "Oh.. they make my seeing eyes worse!" He said, and the daemos tried them on one by one before Leif poked Ava with them and they broke.

Going into my room, I searched through my drawers before I found a old pair of glasses. Hopefully they work. I thought, and left my room. Getting between Rhys and Leif, Rhys shot a blast of magic ice and it landed in my shoulder, and I fell to my knees in pain and shock. "ALEX! RHYS WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I heard Ava yell as darkness blurred the edge of my vision. "I-im didn't mean to!" I heard him yell and everything went black.

 "I-im didn't mean to!" I heard him yell and everything went black

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her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now