Chapter 32

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When I went out of my room, I was met with a awful smell. Looking in the living room, I saw the daemos had... beards and looked dirty. Leif and Asch where arguing over the remote. When Ava came out into the living room, she noticed as well, and I joined my sister, holding the edge of my shirt over my mouth and nose. When Ava asked about the smell, they explained.

"We are conserving magic, for when we have to go back to daemos." Said Asch, and I looked confused.

"What does that mean? Are you planning to leave soon?" I asked, dropping the edge of my shirt for a second. I covered my nose again and tried not to gag.

"We need magic to open a portal to go to daemos." Said Asch, and I looked at Leif. He seemed sad, and so didn't like it.

"To bad, we where going to take you to the fall festival." Said Ava, and they got closer, excited.

"Really? Your taking us out?" They asked in unison, and I nodded.

"But first, we need to get you guys cleaned up." Said Ava, and I nodded vigorously.

"Well, use your magic then!" Said Asch, and I shook my head.

"We don't use magic to clean ourselves. C'mon Leif, I'll show you how baths work. Ava show Peirce and Asch." I said, and took Leif to my bathroom, and set a bath up.

When the tub filled with water, I put in a bath bomb and swirled the water around with my hand. I heard rustling fabric behind me, and when I turned Leif was... naked. It's not like it's the first time I've seen it, but it was a lot darker last time! Blushing, I turned back to the bath and when I turned back, he was very close to me. Like, right behind me. I squeaked in surprise and blushed. "H-hi Leif." I stuttered, and mentally slapped myself for it.

"Hm.. remember your promise earlier." He said, and I drew breath again.

"Are you really going to leave?" I asked him, and he looked sad.

"The others are planning to, but Noi doesn't want to and I will stay when they leave. I will stay with you." He said, his tone sad.

"Do you promise it'll make you happy. If it won't make you happy, you can do whatever will make you happy." I said, fearing he will choose to leave.

He tilted my chin up and kissed me. "I'm staying. It will make me happy, and it will make you happy." He said, and I blushed, and told him to get in the water before I faint. Picking up shampoo, I started to scrub his hair, careful to avoid his horns.

"You can touch them, you are my mate." He said, and I scrubbed the hair near the base of his horns, watching him blush when my hand grazed them.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now