Chapter 12

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"Well we met sorceress Ava-" I slapped my hand over his mouth and put up a different story. "Well Leif and I met in the park, and we introduced Noi and Ava to eachother and things escalated from there." I said, and they gave me a weird look, probably since I shut Noi up the way I did. "Oh well, that seems interesting, anyway how have you two been getting along with our baby girls?" Asked our pop, and I could see actual freaking stars in his eyes.

"Oh, Alex is very fun to hang out with, and she is a very good fighter." Said Leif, and Noi smiled and continued, "Yeah! Ava is very nice to me as well, I'm used to people giving me orders." and I glanced at Leif for details about what he said.

(I tried my best with gacha club

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(I tried my best with gacha club.)

When the pizza came, Ava and I handed some to our, well, Avas pretend boyfriend, and my real boyfriend. When the boys made a mess of their food, we dragged them to the bathroom and cleaned them up.

"Ok, you guys are doing great!" I said, and Ava nodded. "Do you love us?" Asked Noi, and Ava choked on air. When Leif looked t me I nodded, but Ava stuttered. "Is love something humans care about?" Asked noi, and I asked, "Isn't it something you guys care about?" And the shook their head no. "On demos, we where set to be killed, if not for Prince Asch, we would be dead." And Ava looked confused. "Why would your own kind kill you?" And they looked sad. "On daemos Noi was considered to soft to mate with, and I was considered to rough, so no females took interest in us." Feeling angry and grateful they never had mates I said, "Well that's their loss, cause Noi seems adorable, and Leif is handsome." I said, crossing my arms and blushing.

After someone outside yelled at us, we hurried back to our parents and I looked out the window for a second, then I heard someone mention dad's campaign. "What's a campaign?" Asked Noi, and dad started choking on his pizza. "A campaign is like being the leader of a lot of humans." I said, and my dad stopped choking. "Noi, this family values democrac-" his sentence was cut off when Asch popped out of nowhere and said "Ava, Alex, Noi and Leif are clearly inappropriate suitors for you-" and then the rest came and Ava fainted.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now