Chapter 8

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The next morning, I was in Ava's room, putting  her breakfast on her side table, when a familiar noise had me sneak into the corner. A few seconds later, Leif phased above my sister's bed, and tried to stab her, only to be stopped by Noi. After a conversation I couldn't quite hear, Rhys came in and they kept arguing before Ava's phone started ringing, loudly. When it started ringing, they all started panicking and Leif hit the phone against the headboard.
That sounds so wrong.

When it didn't work, they threw the phone on the bed and ran. When Ava finally woke up, she muttered something and started to talk to Loralai,   when she did, I decided to come over to her bed and listen in. After a very upseting eavesdrop, Ava walked away and I picked up her phone and gave those dumbasses a piece of my mind.

"Hey, you dumb was bitches, none of that shit is true, and the fact you believe that shit means your arrogant die hard, morons. And if I ever, ever hear you talk about that shit again, I will beat you into the next century, you bastards. And Kristin, I bet your a little slut, who shouldn't be talking shit about people. Loralai, I'd find some better friends if I where you." With a satisfied smile, I ended the call and handed Ava her phone.

"I gave 'em an earful pinky. They won't talk shit about us again." They hadn't actually said anything about me but when they talk bad about my sister, they talk bad about me. Five minutes later, Ava was in the living room taking pictures, and she pulled me into one, her arm around my shoulder while I smiled shyly at the camera. In all honesty I'm kinda camera shy.

Hearing a shout behind us, we turned to see Leif and Asch staring at us in shock. "Th-they took our bodies into that thing!" That yelled as the other daemos came out of their room. Deciding now was a good time to go, I went back to my room and messed around with water, but when I looked in the bathroom mirror to fix my hair, I noticed my eyes looked... different.

What the fuck? I thought, and looked at my eyes

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What the fuck? I thought, and looked at my eyes. They're kinda pretty.

her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now