Chapter 3

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The next day, I woke up when I heard voices above my bed, and I tightened my grip on my knives, two blades I had special made, and dove at the voice, only to see Asch holding one of Noi's daggers. When I pinned him with one of my knives to his throat, and kicked the dagger away. "Don't try to kill us again, or I will make you suffer the wrath of the gods." I said, making my voice echo for dramatic effect. "When the door opened, I saw the other daemos watching us, shocked. "What in  the world is going on here?" Yelled Rhys, and I glared at him over my shoulder.

"Your prince tried to kill me!" I yelled, and asch pulled a defensive tact. "She attacked me!" He yelled, and I punched him. "Shut up! You where about to stab me. I was just defending myself. And keep your prince under control, or I make sure the gods themselves punish him." I said, and they paled. When  I got off the prince, Rhys said "I-im sorry for the disturbance sorceress. Prince Asch, I would advise you to be careful when dealing with a sorceress, much less a warrior."

"Thank you. Now, leave or I throw one of you out the window." I said, and they rushed out of my room. When I put my clothes on, black leggings and a dark blue tee shirt, along with spiked bracelets, I picked up Noi's dagger and went to the living room. Flipping it so that the handle was facing out, I motioned for Noi to take it. When he didn't I got confused and said, "It's yours right? Take it." I said, and when he did, I woke up Ava and told her what happened.  When she ran out to confront them, they looked surprised at how angry she was.

While I watched them talk in the living room, and I read a book hen ava came over and told me to stay and make sure Leif and Rhys didn't get in trouble. "Ok Ava. Watch put for anymore... creeps." I said, not looking up from my book. When they left, I went back to my room to do some practice fighting.

When I came back out, Leif was lying on the couch, looking bored. When I went over to him, I watched him before he took out his blade and flipped it over him. "You shouldn't do that you know." I said, causing him to drop his sickle, sticking it in the floor. "For a human, your footsteps are very quiet, you know that?" He said, clutching his arm, and I saw purple blood run through his fingers. "Oh sorry. Here let me help." I said, taking his arm, and sending a healing pulse through my fingertips, and I watched his wound close. "Your a odd human." Said Leif, and I shrugged. "Says the daemos from another world. Anyway, I'm odd by most people's standards so you can't shame me, cause I'm used to people not liking me."

When he smirked at me he said, "That is something we have in common warrior Alex, people don't like us." He said, and I got confused. "What do you mean? You seem pretty cool to me." I said, and he raised an eyebrow. "Cool? What does that mean?" He asked, and I shrugged. "It means you seem like you'd be fun to hang around. Anyway, where is Rhys?" I asked, and the purple daemos came out of the wall. Wait what? Ok thought, and did a double take.

When I walked over and I the wall, I put my hand on it and it went through. Trippy. When I went all the way through, it was colder, and the air felt thinner. Looking around the new space, I saw a second floor, waterfalls, and gold. It looks like a palace. "Woah. Rhys did you make this place? It's amazing!" I exclaimed, and they turned to me. "Do you want a tour?" Asked Leif, and I nodded rapidly, till my head spun. "Lets go then."

Here is her knives. They look cool and are razor sharp.

 They look cool and are razor sharp

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her gold eyes. (my inner demon Oc insert.)Where stories live. Discover now