How to court a girl?

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Vanitas POV

Im now driving my Lamborghini, Im gonna go to Xion's house to fetch her then we'll go to school together. Yes, back to being her hot driver..

I smiled as I saw her waiting outside of her house, I stopped infront of her and opened the passengers seat.

"Hello my princess.." I smirked at her as she went inside and closed the door.

"Hello Vani!" She teased so I frowned at her

"Early in the morning you called me by that ugly nickname.."

"No, it's cute!" She replied so I just shook my head at her then started to drive at school


"Oh hey! Glad you both finally decided to show up!" Sora suddenly said as he saw us coming towards them

"Yeah, we thought you're gonna have a DATE again." Ventus teased so Xion just blushed while I crossed my arms

"Well, we could've just have a date than hanging out with you two.. I got the feeling you guys will just keep ruining our moment." I said and they just gave us a grin

"D'aww.. we wont! We know you guys are longing for each other!" Ventus spoke up and gave us a thumbs up

"Oh shut up! Are we gonna have a chat or watch the game?" Kairi said pouting while crossing her arms

"Childish." Fuu suddenly spoke up while staring at Sora and Ven

"Hey! we're not.. childish." Sora said pouting so I just shook my head at my brother's juvenile behaviour.

"Quit pouting, you look like an idiot." I commented so he frowned while pouting. I cringed at his expression while the others laughed.

"Stop that!" I snapped so he laughed

"What? Are you imagining yourself as me pouting while frowning?" He asked so I gave him a glare

"Whatever brownie.." I just said and held Xion's hand then walked out

"Whoa! Nice move loverboy!" Ven shouted so I turned to look at them

"Shut up and let's go!" I shouted back then continue to walk with Xion beside me

I heard footsteps behind me, so it must be the gang. I just ignore their teasing and continue walking towards the gym. We look for a seat and watched the basketball game, I was actually bored but the girls are having a great time, well except Fuu coz she just stared blankly at the game while Ventus is giving her a sandwich that he bought.

I kinda smell something fishy about Ven's movement everytime Fuu is around.. I shoved the thought away, why do I care anyway? I looked at Xion and her friends shouting and cheering..

"Kyaaaa! Go Kenrel!" Xion cheered at the guy with the number 16 jersey. He has a black spikey hair and and dark blue eyes. I rolled my eyes as they scream so I just covered my ears because it's too loud!

(A/N) Kenrel is Zack from Final Fantasy

"Scooore!!!!" Kairi screamed as Kenrel shoot 3 points

After a few more minutes, the game finally ended and the winner is Kenrel's team which is our school. We exit the gym because it is now breaktime, we went to our booth and saw some costumers.

"Well, how's the booth?" Roxas asked one of our classmate and she gave us a thumbs up

"It's great! Many bought some tshirts and stuffs! Some also requested for a keyblade which is tons of bucks for us all! Men, the kids here are rich!" She chirped and grinned at us all

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now