The world that never was

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Vanitas POV

I looked around my surrounding. The dark city is infront of me and it is awfully quiet. I looked up seeing a heart shaped moon and a floating big castle in the far end. I looked at the moon.. Kingdom Hearts. I wonder why Master Xehanort didn't want this moon and wanted the Blue heart shaped moon instead.


"Listen up kids.. We found some possible places that your master and remnant would held her captive. But some of them are dangerous.." Mr. Evans explained as he looked at us all with a stern look

"Name them.." I demanded

"The world that never was, End of the world, The underworld in the Colloseum, Holloween Town since it has many traps and secret places, the Oblivion Castle.." Mr. Evans told us the worlds and our eyes widened

"World that never was?! I heard no one dared to step in that place! That place is evil full of heartless and nobodies! Same with the End of The World world!!" Kairi blurted out

"Yes that is true but we have no choice but to look for them there.." Mr. Evans said and sighed

"The only person who can handle that place is.." He stopped and looked at me seriously "You Vanitas.." He continued

"Oh well, I did spy the place long ago but I didn't last long since there are many enemies.." I told them so their eyes widened again in surprise. Well, I wouldn't blame them if they get shocked. The place is mysterious..

"You survived?!" Kairi asked almost like she shouted

"Yeah.. So I can still manage to get away." I reassured. They paused for a while but then they sighed

"Well, you are Vanitas.." Roxas stated so I smirked

"So now.. Vanitas and Roxas will be searching in the World that never was, Namine and Kairi should be in the underworld, Ventus and Fuu in Halloween Town, and Sora and Axel in Castle Oblivion. Dont worry, Axel already experienced Castle Oblivion and Vanitas is with you Roxas.." Mr. Evans said so we all nodded and equipped our weapons

"What about in the End of the World?" Sora asked before we went to the teleportation machine

"We'll be the ones to search that place since it's dangerous in there." Mr. Evans said so we all finally went inside and the teleportation is about to start

"Good luck."

End of Flashback

"So this is the Dark City of the World that never existed." Roxas said bluntly as he look around the place

"The place is full of enemies.. We need to stay low." I said so we began walking in the streets

We continue walking looking for some strange places. Since the place is big, it's kinda difficult to find what we're searching for..

"I wonder who lives in that big castle.." Roxas suddenly asked as he looks at the castle

"Who knows.." I shrugged and we arrive on a wide area with a big building infront of us

"What's that?!" He said when we heard a sound. Shadows started to pop out of the ground

"Neo Shadows.." I muttered as the heartless started attacking us. We began to fight the horde of heartless but they just keep on coming

"Give me a break already.." Roxas growled as he sliced a shadow coming at him

"This is why I didn't last long here.." I mumbled and blocked a neo shadow's attack and counter attacked it making it disappear

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now