Mr. Hot and Popular Bad Boy

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Xion POV

I am now here at school. I saw my friends so I walked over to them

"Hey Xi! good morning!" Roxas greeted me with a smile. He's not a type of guy who smiles alot but that doesn't mean he doesnt know how to smile. If he's in a good mood then he'll smile alot.. =3

"Hey guys! Where's Ven?" I asked because I noticed Ventus is not around

"Oh over there. Talking to one of our classmate asking about a video copy of their last battle" Roxas said pointing at Ven. I nod my head

"Uhmm.. So Xi, how was Vanitas?" Namine asked

"He's fine now.. I also saw him smile!" I said and smiled when I remembered his smile

"Really?? I didn't seen him smiling.."Namine said looking up

"well I did" Roxas suddenly said.. We looked at him with a question look

"When and where?" We all asked in chorus

He just shrugged

"Somewhere out there.. Dont remember the date though.." He said with a bored tone and Kairi hit him in the head coz of his answer.

"Hey guys!" We heard Ventus and saw him running towards us

"Finally got the video!" He said and grinned

We are busy talking when we heard a noise and saw a black motorcycle parked infront of the school.

A guy hopped down of the vehicle wearing our school uniform. Some students also looked at him while unplugging the key of the vehicle and put it in his pocket. He started removing his helmet.

Our eyes widen when we saw that it was Vanitas. He had a motorcycle?? How come he didn't used it before? Some students scream when they saw him..

tsk.. They somehow annoy me. I watched them as they ran to Vanitas like maniacs and asked him to be their boyfriend so my brows furrowed.

"wow! He got an MV Agusta!" Ventus said amazed

"Yeah and girls are going nuts about him" Roxas added

"Haha! I didn't know he'll be popular someday.." Namine said and smiled

"Yeah and he have fan girls now.. That's a good thing, right Xion?" Kairi said and turned to look at me. I didn't answer and watch how the girls block his way while he stand in there pissed off

"Hello earth to Xion!" I flinch when Kairi snapped her finger infront of my face. I looked at them and they stared at me

"huh?" was all I can say..

"Oh great.. she's out in this world" Kairi said rolling her eyes.

"Vanitas marry meee!" We heard a girl screaming and I saw her running towards Vanitas and jumped on him. Our eyes widen and I found myself running in his place. Kairi tried to call me but I ignore her.

I arrived at the pile of girls now holding Vanitas' both arms and its like they are having a tug of war. I saw Vanitas looking at the ground and his hand is clenching. I know he'll explode anytime by now so I shouted at the girls

"Hey! Stop that! He is not a rope to be used in a tug of war!" I said

They all looked at me and raised an eyebrow

"Who are you to tell us what to do?" One girl said to me.I took a deep breath

"Look I dont want a fight but please leave him alone" I said calmly but they ignore me and began to argue at each other about being Vanitas' soon to be girl. I gritted my teeth and shout

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now