A day to remember

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(Heya.. so I made a new cover photo xD I just cut and edit it.. Credits to the artists. Glad I could see 2 photos that suits my imagination and made it one xD. Anyway.. Finally got to update! Yey~ I still dont have a phone but Im at dubai for vacation so Im borrowing Dad's laptop weee~ I noticed most of the chapters arent focused bout Xion and Vanitas.. And in this chapter is.. about Hell ahue.. I haz le reasonzzz.. but meh.. this is gonna be a long one.. Agony on the pic guys! Enjoy~)

Hell POV

2 weeks of searching and no sign of my master. Well.. it's not the time for him to show himself. He just wants to play with them more and confusing them.. While Im just here, doing my job as being their so called friend..


A word I dont believe.. A person I never cared. Humans.. All I think of them are nothing but piece of puppets.. And those puppets will be ours to control soon.

"Hell." I heard a deep voice behind the big tree at the house. It's 1am and Im at the backyard. I sometimes go here to meet a certain someone.

"Master," I greeted him. His yellow eyes shining through the dark while his hood is up.

"How is your so called bond with those idiots, hmm?" He asked with a smirk. I just show him no emotion.

"Disgusting. But all in all, we're good. They dont seem suspicious of me." I answered which made him chuckle

"Good. Keep it up and we'll be having a very big prize in the end once that time comes."

"When will you keep playing with them?"

"Till Im bored." he chuckled, all too amused about all the searching just to find him. "I'll go and have another game with them soon. When and where will they search for me?" He asked

"Hmm.. After tomorrow at the place called Lagendia. Where dragon nests lies in that world."

"Ooh.. The new world I just invaded. Interesting,, Did you told them about this?"

"Yeah I did.. Knowing you wont be there anyway.."

"Good.. I'll be seeing you again soon." And with that a black portal appeared behind him. He slowly backs away and disappears with the portal. I sighed as I went back inside the house. Im glad Vanitas didnt woke up.


9am and I went to the kitchen seeing Vanitas cooking some breakfast. I went to the fridge to get some cold water and sat down on the chair. Vanitas noticed my presence and greeted me.

"Morning, Hell." He said not turning back and continue to focus on his cooking

"Yah. morning." I replied and drank the cold water, feeling the coldness down in my throat. few minutes later, Vanitas put the food at the middle of the table as soon as he finished cooking. Bacon, egg, hotdog and some rice, it all looked delicious. Not to mention, I like bacon. Me and Vanitas take turns to cook for one day.. Since both of us know how to cook and all..

"Something on your mind?" He suddenly asked me as he sat down on the chair infront of me. I just shrugged.

"Nah.. nothing." I said and started to get some rice and bacon until we heard a knock from the door.

"I'll get it." I just said and went to the door and opened it, seeing Sora with his cheerful smile.

"Good morning, Hell!" He exclaimed

"Yo Sora.. what brings you here?" I asked him as I motioned him to come inside.

"Im here to fetch you guys!" He chirped. We both went to the table and I sat back down in my chair.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now