Big Event

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Vanitas POV

Im now standing in front of my locker.. It's been months since I first stepped in this school.. Nothing's changed, some people still looked at me like Im in another planet.. And about the training, I can feel that 40% of my power is getting back.. Sometimes mr. Evans would show up and release my seal a little like 1 or 2 percent.. Xion is still nice to me and Im always stunned by her smile.. tss

I closed the locker and began to walk.. I saw Xion and one of the twins, I dont know if its Ventus or Roxas but I dont care.. I saw how he tried to help her carry her books, It's like he's her slave, psh.. But seriously, the way he looked at her is different like he admire her or something.. How did I know these things? Well Mr. Evans sometimes visits me at home and forced me to watched love stories.. I didnt give a damn and would rather sleep but he insisted and gave me a threat to reformat my power again so I got nothing to do but watch those disgusting movies..

They began to walk and I saw how that blonde smile like an idiot.. tss, love.. based on what I see, he's inlove with her.. dafuq I felt stupid thinking about that word "love".. I disgust it!

But with the thought of him being inlove with her makes me want to punch his face.. I dont know what I felt now but it's irritating.. I decided to ignore the feeling and walked over to my classroom..

I heard the noise of my classmates, maybe the teacher is not there yet so I went inside.. The noise stopped and I looked at them.. Seriously, Aren't they used to me?? With so much pissed I began to speech

"What? Why'd you all stopped your babbling when I went inside? It's been fvcking months since I stepped in this school and I've been your classmate for months and still you're not used to my aura?!" I said with gritted teeth.. I know Im different.. I wouldnt care about how they treat me but I found myself pissed off about it..

They looked away and stayed silent.. tss.. they're getting in my nerves.. I sat down in my seat and looked at the white board. I heard the door open so the class looked at the door. Mr.Will, our Science teacher, walked infront of the room

"Hello Students.. I'd like to inform you that we wont have any class today until friday.." He said half smiling.. The class shouted with joy

"wait wait.. since we only have 2 months left before Graduation.. we'll be having an event. A battle event.. Now that you already mastered one of your skills and abilities we'll let the freshmen join too.. but not all, we'll just choose the person who can compete.. Today is your training day so you'll be prepared for tomorrow.. Go to the Event Board and find who will be your opponent for tomorrow.. after that you can now do whatever you want to train.. that's all for now.. " Mr. Will said and left.. The students became excited and the others are nervous and scared saying they're not ready.. I saw some of them stormed outside the classroom.

"Cmon guys!! I cant wait to see my opponent!!" Kairi said

"okay! Haha! let's go!" One of the twins said.. They walked outside but Xion stopped and looked at me..

"Xion let's go!" I heard the twins voice

"Yeah wait a sec" She said and walked towards me smiling

"Hey Van.. Come with us.. let's see who will be your opponent" She said and smiled again

"Nah.. Your friends dont like my presence" I said.. she shook her head

"Dont mind them.. Im here okay?" She said and I paused for a while.. My heart began to beat.. Wait, my heart.. It's been years since I last felt it.. I always put it on my mind that Im a heartless person..

"Lets go" She grab my hand and pulled me up.. I was speechless and just let her pull me outside the room.. I saw her friends and their shocked expression then we stopped in front of them. I saw them looking at our hands and back to me so I looked away.. Im not used to be with them.. Kairi suddenly grabbed Xion's hand and whispered in her ear.. tss, I have good hearing sense so I still heard what they're talking

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now