Her Smile

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Vanitas POV

After helping out that Black haired girl I was frozen by her smile.. I couldn't take to see so much light but I got stuck by her smile not bothering the light around her.. but I snapped out of it and walked away.. Err, I dont know her name yet. We're classmates and I dont bother knowing their names.. Like the hell I care..

While walking through the hallway I saw the jerk taking the garbage can.. serves him right! Their 4 months punishment is to become janitors in this school. We all know that most teenagers dont want to do the dirty work and I can see in his ugly face that he is suffering with the strong stench of the garbage.. he stopped and looked at my direction.. I smirked and walked away then I heard a crashing sound.. pfft, maybe he threw the Garbage Can.. Great! More work for him..

I went inside the classroom and the teacher is now discussing so I went inside

"You're late mr. Evans" Our math teacher said like a boss

"Yeah so?" I asked coldly so he seemed pissed off about it

"Dont you dare act tough at me! I also noticed you're always sleeping in my class! I bet you dont know everything that I taught in this class!" Mr. McCortney yelled.. I rolled my eyes at him

"Yeah right.. it's a piece of cake" I said with a bored tone. He raised one eyebrow and pointed at the white board

"Oh really? A piece of cake huh? Then answer this!" He demanded

I answered the board and gave him back the pen.. He checked it and I can saw his Wtf face haha! He faced me and coughed

"Mr. Evans got it correct.. you may now take a seat" He said and I sat down.. My classmates are so amused. what? It's just math.. My master already teached me everything since I was young.. That's why I got advanced to college even if I should be in High School first.. I know Im smart and Im proud of that.

"Anyway class.. I'd like to inform you that next week will be the start of your training.. A training on how to control your power, how to call out your weapons and also enhance your skills.. I know some of you cannot wield a keyblade but still we'll train you.. that's all for now.." Mr.McCortney said and went outside the room

well great! Just great.. I still cant get my powers back.. I mean, I cant control it properly.. all I have is my martial arts skills. I look around the room and saw that all of them are so excited of the training..

"Yes! That's what I've been waiting for!!" I heard a girl talking so I turned to look at her. I saw that Black haired girl together with her friends and with the twins

"Yup! Finally, I can now learn how to use my power and Im excited to know what my weapon will be!" The white haired girl said

"What weapon would you want Xi?" the red haired girl asked her

"hmm.. I dont know but whatever weapon it will be.. Im still proud of it!" She said

"oh good for you.. I cant wait! I thought we can train in high school but all they do is just lecturing us about different kinds of keyblades.. their powers and uses blah blah.."

So in this school, they dont train high school students but only to lecture them.. hmm, I already know all about the keyblades and its uses.. Im more advanced than them since my master already trained me when I was still a little kid.. well since Im bored, Im gonna take a nap again


"hey Xion.. Are you sure you'll stay here for a while?" I heard a girl's voice but I dont know who

"Ofcourse.. I'll just finish on what Im doing.. I need to pass this paper today so you guys go on ahead"

"well..okay.. be careful.. ahmm especially if you're alone with him" hmm..him? who is she reffering to?

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now