The Plan

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Vanitas POV

Me, Hell and Xion just arrived at the agency for the meeting about Xehanort's whereabouts. Hell is starting to get used to us and our friends began to treat him like a true friend. There are times he is silent ofcourse, he really reflects my old self. As I was reminiscing, the 3 of us went inside and Mr. Evan's secretary greeted us.

"Hello there, Mr. Kagem and Miss Reito. Mr. Evans and the others are waiting for you at the Meeting Room. Please follow me." She said in a formal manner and began to walk so we followed her until we arrived at the Meeting Room. She bowed her head and went back to her room for work. I opened the door and saw the others are already there.

"You're late!" Kairi said with a bossy voice but I just rolled my eyes and we went inside and closed the door behind us. The three of us took a seat and that's when Mr. Evans began to speak.

"Alright.. Now that we're complete for this meeting. I've been coming up with a plan on how to capture Xehanort. But first I need to know the places." He took out a piece of paper and a pen.

"So Hell, since you're his so called apprentice or what-"

"Weapon." Hell cut him off, looking down at the floor. I gave him a look thinking of what he feels. Feel? Does he even feel? Maybe..

"Well whatever it is.. I wanted to know all the possible places or hideouts he's hiding. I need your honesty on this, Hell." Mr. Evans said as he eyed Hell with a serious face. Hell nodded his head and faced him.

"Alright.. The possible places might be at Halloween Town, Castle Oblivion, Hallow Bastion or in the World that never was." Hell answered and Mr. Evans began to write it all down.

"So many hideouts." Ventus commented and Namine agreed on him. Well, knowing that old hag. He doesnt wanna be caught again so he might as well make many hideouts now. Which will make the search a bit long.

"Alright, here's the plan. Hell will lead us to where Xehanort is.. But we wont go there by force, instead.. we'll make a surprise attack. Hell will act like he regretted running away and came back for Xehanort. While he's busy occupying Xehanort's attention, we will prepare for an attack." Mr. Evans said and gave us a look if we understood or not.

"First person who will attack is Roxas and Namine. Namine will use a flash of light to blind Xehanort and Roxas will use mist of darkness around his body to hold him at the same time the flash was casted. Second, Ventus will use energy drain to weaken him. Third, Kairi uses her Charm Seal making him paralyze and unable to move. Axel and the others will perform their strong attacks to knock him down. And lastly, I'll use my forbidden ability to seal his power away." Mr. Evans explained but wait.. there's someone missing on the plan.

"Why aren't me and Xion included?!" I scowled as I stand up by force. The others jerked by surprise.

"Coz he might use you again and it's dangerous to let you and Hell be together. Also for Xion, obviously you will follow us if ever Xion will come. Xehanort might also use her as hostage to get you. So it's better you sta-"

"Bullshit! I wont just stay here doing nothing! He's my master and I have to be also there to defeat him!" I growled and glared at Mr. Evans. He stared back at me with a stern look for a few seconds and sighed.

"You're as stubborn as ever." He commented

"I'll still go." I said in a serious tone

"I know. So you better be careful. Especially you, Xion." Mr. Evans said and looked at her.

"Ofcourse!" She replied with a nod

"So this means?"

"Yes, you can come."

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now