Good to naughty

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Xion POV

I am now waiting for a taxi outside my house since Vanitas didn't came by to fetch me now.. I am now wearing a black leather jacket that is shoulder length with a white sando inside, then black shorts and black converse shoes that's length is below the knee..

I actually look like a badass and if you're wondering why I didn't wear our uniform is because it's wash day today! So we have to wear civilian.. A taxi stopped by so I went inside the car and told the driver my destination..

When I arrived at school, I saw a pile of girls up ahead. I got the feeling that it's Vanitas they're pestering so I ran to where they are. I saw him shouting at them and walked away but then another girl chased him

"Vanitas! Dont leave please I want us to have fun.." She plead like a slut so my brows furrowed and went to their direction..


"Hey!" I shouted at the girl so people's eyes are on me

"And you are?!" She chirped looking at me from head to toe. I raised one eyebrow at her and put my hands on my waist like a boss

"You dont know me? Oh you're so pathetic!" I said and I saw her pissed off

"Oh like the hell I care about you?!" She chirped again. I looked at her from head to toe too.. She is wearing a super short short (lolwut) and her cleavage is so showy..

"You know, that kind of attire is not allowed.. It's too daring and the worst is, it does not suit you.." I smirked as I saw her face red

"And so?! Atleast Im hotter than you! Who are you anyway?!" She yelled at me

"Im Xion Reito and no one should ever seduce MY Vanitas Evans except me!" I shouted and I saw her shocked face

"Oh really? Like you owned him? Ha! Dream on girl!" She scoffed

"Im not dreaming.. That is reality. Now fvck off or else!" I warned but she didn't listen

"Or what? Call the guards? Ugh, so weak.." She said in an insulting way but I didn't care. Instead, I summoned my keyblade and pointed it at her. The people around us gasped and Vanitas also became shocked on what I did

"No, I got a better idea and you're not going to like it.. Im a good girl but I also have my other side, my bad side. If you dont want your whole body to be shown then get the hell out of here." I said looking at her seriously. I saw her gulped and walked out so I unsummon my keyblade and looked around

"What are you all looking at? Mind your own business people!" I shouted so they began to do what they were doing awhile ago

I looked at Vanitas and he is staring at me with a smirk. I walked closer to him and flashed him a smile

"No one should ever seduce MY Vanitas Evans except me.." Vanitas mimicked me of what I said so I began to blush a little and looked away

"So you're going to seduce me now? That would be fun.." I can feel his breath near my ear and he said that in a husky voice.. I actually want to yell at him but instead I turn to face him and smirked

"Not now.. but it pissed me off to see other girls seducing you." I said and shrugged

"Hmp.. yeah right, Im not interested with them."

"Good, coz I might kill those bitches.." I growled and he laughed a little like a bad boy

"Whoa.. easy kitty. You dont want to get punished right?" He asked smirking as his face is close to mine.. I can feel my face burning and Im sweating

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now