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Me: Before proceeding to the story let's have a small talk with the characters first. Just to unwind xD ehem! So guys! How are you? :D

Vanitas: Do you have to ask?! Im in a middle of battling a giant flying heartless that just came out of nowhere inside a warp zone!

Mr. Evans: Vanitas.. this is to unwind. Dont talk about the present for now. Oh and where are the others?

Me: They are on their way here!

Sora: *slams the door open and walked inside with rage* Vanitas Kagem I swear Im going to slap your butt using dad's belt! You had me worried as fvck!

Vanitas: Whoa.. Is mom's genes went to you and you acted like a mother?

Sora: Shut up!!

Me: Yuhoo! Stop with the present for now. I just wanted to ask you guys about what you think of the story! So I invited all the characters here!

Roxas: What do you mean?

Me: Well, what do you think of the story?

Sora: I dont know.. I just went along with it.

Vanitas: Can you just make the story fast? Kill Xehanort and make me and Xion have a wedding after!

Me: Hey! You know I cant do that!

Vanitas: Yes you can! You're the author duh? And where is Xion??

*Xion walks inside weak and hungry.*

Vanitas: Xi! *Runs to her and hugged her*

Xion: Vanitas!! Guys!!

Kairi: Xion! What happened?!

Xion: Oh Im just hungry xD

Vanitas: What have they done to you?!

*Xehanort and Hell walked inside*

Hell: So what's up?

All: Get out!!!

Hell: *Put his hands up* Whoa.. fine fine. I know we're not invited. Even Miss Author dont want me here.

Me: Waah! Hell nuuu~! I want all of you here!!

All: But we dont!!

Xehanort: Hmp.. Miss author. You shouldn't make such nonsense talk with these people.

Roxas: Look who's talking!!

Me: Alright stop! Geez..

Xehanort: We'll stop. We have no business here. Let's go Hell.

*Both opened a portal and went inside and disappeared.*

Namine: I hate that bald headed man. He looks gross!

Sora: LOL!!! That's a good one!

Fuujin: And ugly.

Ventus: That is right Fuu!

Sora: Hey! Stop with the mushy stuffs! Get a room! * Sora shouted at Vanitas and Xion*

Vanitas: Shut up! Go and ask Kairi on a date loverboy.

Sora: Hey!

Kairi: What are you talking about?! *blushes*

Mr. Evans: Miss author. You said you invited all the characters. Where are the others?

Me: Uh yeah! Wait.. I recieved some letters saying they cant come coz they know it will be crowded in the room and the small talk will become a long talk.

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now