The man with a black hood

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Unknown POV

I smirked as I saw at the transparent dark orb an image of a black-haired boy with his friends. It seems that he already changed a bit.. He became a little soft and I despised it! Just a little more time, I'll turn you back into a heartless person.. I just need to heal my wounds and recharge. Someday, I'll see you soon..

Vanitas POV

"Are you ready Vanitas?" Mr. Evans asked me with a serious look and I nodded my head..

We are now here at the agency, in the teleportation room where you can teleport to different worlds.

"Alright! Good luck Van!" Mr. Evans cheered on me while I walked into the machine with a large tube. I entered the tube and they started it. I saw Mr. Evans smiled and waved his hand before Im swallowed with bluish light.

I found myself in a strange dimension while flying fast straight to an image of islands at the far end and when I reached that image, a gleam of light appeared and I closed my eyes because of the brightness

I found myself in a small island. I saw a tree at the side with a star shape fruit and a bridge up ahead. It's like 4pm in the afternoon and I saw children running around the beach. I began to walk on the bridge made of wood and jumped down at the white sand.

I looked around. So this is Destiny Islands eh? Sure is a peaceful place.. I felt something soft hit my feet and saw a beach ball

"Hey! That's ours!" I heard a voice and I saw three kids running towards me

"Hi.. Sorry for disturbing" The girl with short brown hair said. She's wearing a yellow dress.

"Yeah.. sorry" The boy with yellow hair said while scratching his head

"Say, you new around here?" Said the other kid with orange hair and have a blue headband on his head

"Yeah.." I simply replied

"Say.. Have you heard about the news here?" The girl asked me

"What news?" I acted like I didn't know about the problem of their island

"Heartless are lurking around at night. So you better go home at 5pm.." She warned me

"Hm.. Really" I said and looked at the sand

"Yeah.. last night I got home at 6pm and I saw a heartless lurked out in the cave near the unused fountain" The yellow hair boy added and the girl hit his head

"Idiot! Why did you went home 6pm in the evening? You know heartless starts lurking out at that time!" The girl scolded him and he just scratched his head

"Geez.. I just want to see where they come out.." He muttered and frowned

"Anyway, Let me introduce ourselves. Im Selphie, this yellow haired is Tidus and this is Wakka" Selphie introduced while pointing at her friends. I nod my head

"Im Vanitas.. So Tidus, you're saying you saw a heartless came out of a cave near an unused fountain?" I asked him again trying to confirm if I heard it right

"Yeah.. When I saw it I started running as fast as I can before it could see me" He said and I nod my head again

"So we'll be going now Vanitas.. Bye! Oh and be careful!" Selphie said and they ran off to the other side of the beach

So they'll show up at 6pm and they come out on a cave near a fountain. I looked around to see if I can find that fountain. I started walking and I saw some vines at the very side of a pond-like fountain.. Maybe this is it so I went near to the pile of vines and saw a cave inside. Maybe this is the cave Tidus meant. I looked at the watch and it is now 5:30pm

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now