Fame and a bloody experience

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(Mr. Evans in the pic! Finally, I found a pic for him. Dunno who this guy rly is tho..)

Vanitas POV

Im walking through the streets of Laria. Im almost near school until I heard a car coming. It stopped beside me and the window opened.

"Hello there Vanitas!" Mr. Evans greeted me with a warm smile

I ignore him and continue to walk but he followed me

"Oh dont be so rude. I just want to congratulate you for your Victory yesterday" He said while driving slowly

"Okay" I just said and continue walking.. He laughed heartily so I stop and turned to look at him

"What's funny Mr. Evans?" I asked him with my brow furrowed but he just shook his head

"Cold as always.. Anyway, I got a present for you. I went to your house to give it to you but no ones there. So I just left it in your room" My eyes widen in suprise

"Well, hop on? I'll take you to school" He offered me but I shook my head

"No thanks. I'll just walk"

"Okay then.. take care!" He said and drive off

I entered the school's gate and as always, people stared at me. I ignore them and continue walking until a group of girls scream and ran over to me

What the fu**??

"Vanitas!! Oh my gosh you were awesome yesterday!!"

"I love you now Vanitas!"

"Im sorry that I misjudge you before.. please be mine!"

I cringed and moved back. Damn it! Yesterday they hate me and now they're going nuts! I'd rather want the old treatment back than being chased by girls!!

I took a deep breath and shout

"Would you just shut up?!" The students eyes widen and so are the girls infront of me stopped screaming.

"Good! Now can you move away now? Early in the morning you're pissing me off!" I said irritatedly

They gave way for me and I started walking pass through them. I was hoping they'd backstab me with insult on how mean I am and that they will go back on treating me like a stranger. But when I was about to enter the building, I heard them screaming again..

"Oh my gosh! I didnt realized he had such beautiful eyes when he looked at me!"

"I didnt know he's so hot when closed by!"


I mentally facepalmed so I ignore them and continue walking.. I went to my locker and while fixing my things I heard gossips again about me being the "oh so hot and popular bad boy" tss.. Seriously? I just won a lame event and they gone nuts about me.

I closed my locker and was about to go to the Battle Area to watch a battle but a guy blocked my way. Oh great, Rex the jerk again..

"Hey loser.. Long time no see? I heard you win the event yesterday? I bet your opponent is weak so you got lucky" He laughed like a jerk and continue saying useless things

"If I were your opponent you wouldn't stand a chance against me!" He said proudly

"Whatever" I just said and tried to ignore him but he blocked my way again. My brows furrowed because Im getting irritated

"Dont you walk out on me you twerp! Just because you have fans and won a big event doesn't mean you can boss me around! You're still a nobody!" He said with an angry voice

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now