Cristal Festival

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Xion POV

Im laying in my bed while thinking of what to do this day.. It's already 1pm in the afternoon! My friends still didn't come back yet and the twins said their vacation got extended. I sighed and looked at the calendar then I remember that it's the Cristal Festival today! But I dont have anyone to come with me..

Hmm.. Think think..

Wait! Vanitas!! I'll ask him to come with me! I smiled and get up on my bed to prepare and fix myself.. I get my phone to call him but I paused and facepalmed

"I forgot he dont have a phone!" I said and frowned

So I dont have a choice but to go to his house..

I finished taking a shower and put on some clothes.. I wear gray shorts, white sando and white high cut shoes.. I get my black blazer and ran off.

I called a taxi and the driver asked the location I'll be going

"Lunaria Street.." I said and the driver started to drive

At Lunaria Street

I was standing at the side of the road.. Uhmm..Just standing.. I bite my lips and frowned..

"Oh stupid me! I know the street but I dont know where his house is!" I said and facepalmed myself

"Hey little lady! What seems to be the problem?" I heard a guy's voice so I turned to look around. I saw him watering the plants while looking at me

"Oh uhmm.. I was about to go to my friend's house but I dont know where his house is.." I shyly said

"Oh? Haha! What's the name of your friend? Maybe I know that person.." He said and smiled

"Uh.. Vanitas Evans?" I said and I saw him paused for a while then smiled nervously at me

"Oh you mean that black haired boy with yellow golden eyes? His house is on the 3rd row from here.." He said

"Oh thank you!" I exclaimed and ran off

I knocked the door when I arrived at his house.. I knocked again but no one answered..

"Bummer.. Maybe he's not here.." I frowned and sighed

"I just wasted my time to come here then.." I muttered to myself

"No not really.." I heard a voice behind me and I turn around to see who it is

"Vanvan!" I glee and smiled

"Why are you here? Didn't expect to see you standing infront of my house.." He asked and opened the door..

"Well.. I uh.. just want to ask you.." I trailed off because Im shy.. I can feel my cheeks burning because of shyness

"Ask me what?" He said with a question look on his face

"Well.. there's this Cristal Festival and I want you to come with me.." I said and I saw him smiling

"Really eh? Why chose me to come with you?" He suddenly asked me

"Well.. the others didnt come back yet. So, I asked you instead.." I answered

"So what if they're here? You wont ask me to come with you then?" He asked and saw his eyebrows furrowing

"Well, it's not like that..I'll still ask you to come." I said but he frowned

"You dont sound too sure about it.. It's like Im just an option to you.." He coldly said

"No! You're not an option Vanitas.. You're my friend.." I said calmly and he just sighed

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now