First day of school was hell

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(picture of Vanitas above)

Vanitas POV

I was walking down the streets with my hands on my pockets. I am now wearing the school uniform. I actually like the color.. Its shirt is color black while the sleeves are white and so is the colar, then the pants is black .. As I was walking, I also see a group of three girls wearing the same uniform as mine but ofcourse they wear skirts that is above the knee and black socks..then a red necktie.

I shake my head a little and continue to walk.. Why do I keep on describing things? tss.. I arrived at the school gate and above it, is the name of the school..

Cristal Hearts University

I walked inside and there I saw many students hanging around the place. I keep on walking like I dont give a damn around me.. I noticed some students are staring at me like Im in another planet. Im almost near to the door of the school building but I stopped on my tracks because I felt something coming in my way.. I can stop it but Im gonna give them their happiness *smirk* then I'll give them their nightmare. Well, maybe someday but not now.. I'll stay low for a while..


"hahaha!! what a loser!!" Jerk 1

"He sure didn't seen that coming!" Jerk 2

As expected the ball hit my head. It kinda hurts but.. I'll give them twice painful.. so while they're having a good time laughing, I took the ball and throw it to the guy who threw this to me. I smirked because he didn't noticed it and then


hahaha! right in his ugly face!!

"Ow!! Hey you! Dont you know who I am??" Jerk 1 shouted at me while walking towards my direction.. his eyes are getting different and changing color.. everyone around us stopped and is now spectating us.. Im not afraid though.. I just smirk and stay on my ground..

"No.. and I dont bother knowing some useless person who got nothing to do and just play around people" I said smirking.. now I can see his eyes turning from blue to black.. I bet he's really angry but I dont care..

"Fvck you! Dont mess with me or else Im gonna torn you into pieces!" He shouted in front of my face.. great, it's like raining saliva. Im gonna wash my face after this useless shit..

"oh really.. like hell you can do that here in this school.. if I know, There is a rule in this school that if you hurt a fellow student, you will recieve a 4 months punishment and I heard it's a very dirty work.." I smirked .. I may sound weak because Im depending on the rules.. but hey, Im in a hurry..

he glared at me and tried to breathe calmly.. "Im not yet done with you loser!" He said with a warning tone in his voice and walked away together with his fellow jerks.. I looked around and everyone was staring at me like I did something unbelievable.. they looked away and did what they were doing awhile ago.. I shrugged and proceed walking inside the building.. Im going to the Dean's office since I enrolled a little late..

After my business with her, I went to my first period class which is.. History.. as walking through the hallway, there are only few students left.. I guess class is starting.. I arrived in my classroom but I stopped outside for a minute to see if Im in the right room until the teacher noticed me and went outside to greet me.

"hello.. are you the new student?" He asked.. I nodded my head and give him the papers that the Dean gave me.. he read it and gave it back to me after.

"okay.. Wait here.. just come in if I gave you the signal" He said and walked inside the room..

Xion POV

Hello! Im Xion Reito! We're now sitting in our seats in our room and our subject today is History.. actually, It's a history about kingdom hearts.. The teacher excused and walked out in the room..

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now