Getting you back

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Vanitas POV


"Dad? Why am I different?" I asked my dad but he just smiled at me

"Because you're special Van." He answered

"You mean like Im abnormal?"

"Haha! No son, I meant special is that you're very valuable to us, we treasure you and your brother.." He explained so I nod my head

"But dad.. Why do I have yellow golden eyes while you have blue eyes?" I asked again

"Well, we're actually the same son.."

"How come?"

"Here, I'll show you.." Dad said and closed his eyes then when he opened it, his eyes changed color just like mine

"Wow Dad! How'd you do that?" I asked amazed

"Well, I was once a student of an evil man but now your Dad is a good man now.. I got this eye from him and this dark powers too.." He explained

"So that means, your dark powers passed on to me and also the eyes? Is that the reason why Im different?"

"Yes Vanitas.. My son is so smart just like his mother.." He said and tapped my head

*the date and place changed*

"Dad! No!!" I screamed as I saw my dad died infront of me

Mom began to attack but the guy stabbed her

"Mom!" Me and my brother yelled as mom fell on the floor slowly dying

I cried and saw the guy looked at my twin brother..

"No! Dont hurt him! Take me! Just leave him!" I yelled but he didn't listen to me instead he grabbed my brother's neck and choked him to death

"I dont take orders from a little kid." He said until another man came and shouted "stop!"

The guy threw my brother on the wall and before we disappear I saw blood in my brother's head

End of Flashback

"Mom! Dad!" I shouted and I tried to catch my breath.. I looked around and Im at my room

"Just another dream of the past.." I sighed and looked at the clock. It's already 6am so I get up to prepare for school.. I cant get it off my mind about the dream. I can feel so much anger at my Master and also the scene when I saw Xion and Roxas kissed!

"My dear student, didn't I told you that you are just a weapon of darkness with no heart? You're a heartless!" He yelled at me

"If I dont have a heart then why am I feeling this?!" I suddenly asked but he just laughed

"Because you're weak! You let yourself go blinded by those people around you! It's just your illusion a ruse!" He shouted at me

I remembered what Master Xehanort said to me again.

"Remember this Vanitas! You are a nobody! A heartless! This is what you get when you tried to get blinded by the people around you! You are nothing!"

Maybe I am a heartless even if I have siblings.. My dad was once a student of my Master and his powers passed on to me.. Maybe Im born to be like this.. To feel anger, hatred and pain.

I went to the garage and hop on my motorcycle..


I arrived at school and girls began to ran towards me and greet me..

[kingdom hearts] I found my light (Vanitas x Xion)Where stories live. Discover now